Sunday 26 November 2023

Young Man Creates Mayhem on UTech JA Campus

I just got a report from one of my On The Ground Reporters about an accident at Utech Ja. on Tuesday, November 21. The information is that a youngster was driving a car on the campus at a high speed when he ran into several vehicles. Damage is estimated to run into millions of dollars. Had he hit the Benz parked nearby, the cost would be far more.

Reports are that the damaged car owners will have to foot the bill themselves. The concept of duty of care might apply to those vehicles parked on the Utech Ja. Campus. Utech JA is private property. A few things to think about. Over to the lawyers. 

Those who have had their cars damaged will be speaking to their lawyers more than likely.

Click to see the damaged cars.


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Anonymous said...

All i can say some of these young people who are getting license to drive should not get it

Anonymous said...

Generation of VIPERS. Ego is taking over.. or is it too much drugs?🙃

Anonymous said...

Is buy them buy their li cense👹

Anonymous said...

'Youth is wasted on the Young' most of us have been there, you take a chance to speed in a controlled environment and it got out of hand fast! I trust no one was injured, as that would have made bad matters worse. I hope he/she has learnt some important lessons!!

Anonymous said...

If this youngster is not made to pay and the car owners have to foot the bill, rest assured,my boy will do it again!He won't escape the repeated traume in his dreams though .That might make him think again and not engage in such folly!What a crosses! What if he ,or others in the vicinity got hurt! He should be made to attend driving classes for a period at his expense!It should not be so easy off for him!!🥺One of the cars is my neighbour 's!

Anonymous said...

Wow 😲 a gaurdian angel was surely by his side for him to miss the Benz and the Audi

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