Wednesday 28 February 2024


Full of fun, laughter and loyalty to family, Uncle Steve was a happy family man who loved Jamaica. He came every year laden with gifts and best wishes for everybody he met. Nearly four months ago, Uncle Steve arrived in Glengoffe with one of his daughters. He checked on the family graves and dreamt of one day returning permanently. 

The following morning, he felt a tightening in his chest and decided to go to his doctor in Manor Park. He drove off, leaving his daughter for she was taking too long to get ready. When he reached Stony Hill Square, he felt a pain in his chest and called his daughter to tell her he would stop there. 

He called out for help and obviously collapsed. The Stony Hill help came, saw the gasping man and did not run for a nearby doctor. Instead, the scavengers stripped Uncle Steve. They took his phone, his glasses, his watch, his rings, his pouch with all his documents. The human vultures of Stony Hill stole his shirt, his new jeans and trousers, and his shoes and left a dead man at the wheel. The heartless starving wretches left with Uncle Steve’s medicine kit, the box with gifts he had tagged, for friends and relatives. 

The Stony Hill vagabonds did not leave the spare tyre. The family arrived to find a dead man, stripped of his clothing and shoeless. His shocked daughter and family left with Uncle Steve’s urn and pledged never to return to Glengoffe. Uncle Steve had planned to build his retirement home in Glengoffe but the Stony Hill scavengers foiled this dream.

Contributor Veronica Blake -Carnegie

Veronica is an author and a retired principal who has written 10 books on various aspects of Jamaican life. She has also compiled a listing of 500 independent schools in Jamaica. She was president of the Jamaica Independent Schools Association for two years. Mrs Blake Carnegie owned and operated the Ligunea school on Hope Road, which previously housed the Half Way Tree Primary School. Last year she was awarded the Musgrave Award for the book titled Lizards of  Liguanea.

Editor's note:
V Blake Carnegie is visually impaired and yet at 92 years old, she keeps being of use to society with her writings..that is awesome! Let's hope you are playing your part.



Violet Edwards Scholarship

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Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your loss. Please accept condolences from my family to you and your family.

I apologize for the uncouth behavior of my fellow Jamaicans who denied your uncle the benefit of medical care and left him, even in death, in an undesirable state.

I pray your uncle's soul will rest in peace, as we await the coming of Christ.

Anonymous said...

May Uncle Steve's Soul Rest in God's Eternal Peace. I am sorry for the trauma your family experienced, I mourn with you even as I mourn for the Soul of Jamaica. No one should have experienced that unspeakable horror.

Our social fabric is in tatters, this is not who we are. Let us make Uncle Steve's experience be the catalyst for change 'Up you Mighty Race'! Open your Heart to Love, we must find the Love in each and every Jamaican.

God Bless and Strengthen the Family and Jamaica.

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