Friday 1 March 2024

Vale and No Royal - Poor Vale Royal

I'm hearing talk of the sale of Vale Royal. This raises grave concerns about transparency and accountability within our government. Who stands to benefit from this transaction? Will it be sold off to foreign investors, particularly the Chinese, or will it be handed over to cronies at a fraction of its value, with kickbacks lining the pockets of those in power?

It's appalling to witness the neglect that has allowed this historical property to fall into disrepair. Despite its ties to colonialism, Vale Royal represents a crucial part of our national heritage that must be preserved, not exploited for personal gain.

We demand answers. Who will be the fortunate recipient (s) of this prime piece of real estate in the heart of Kingston's elite district? Will it be turned into yet another eyesore of high-rise apartments, further eroding the character of our city?

The people demand transparency, accountability, and the preservation of our cultural heritage. Anything less is a betrayal of the trust placed in our elected officials.

Vale Royal in its Hay Day

Vale Royal Now.

Writer - Lois Grant

Lois Grant
Lois Grant - JP, MA, BA (Hons), Dip Mass Comm, Cert. Broadcast Journalism BBC-London, is a distinguished communications professional with a legacy of groundbreaking achievements. From her early days at the Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation (JBC) to leading the Public Relations unit at Grimax Advertising. She co-founded Innercity Promotions, celebrated for pioneering live dance hall concerts. In the '90s, Grant established her agency, Corporate Image Communications and Productions, creating innovative events for brands like Tastee Limited, COK Credit Union, and the Jamaica National Building Society. Her impact extends to shaping the political landscape of three Caribbean islands, Jamaica included. She was a former Director of Communications in the Office of the Prime Minister of Jamaica (2007-2013). Grant continues to contribute as a consultant working for prestigious entities such as the US Network, NBC Sports and more recently as a travel influencer.



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Rosina Christina Moder said...

Omg Nooooooo

Rosina Christina Moder said...

Another historical building being demolished???????????

Rosina Christina Moder said...

Let's demonstrate...... PLEASE!!!!!!

Rosina Christina Moder said...

There's nothing left but 10 storey ugly high-rise buildings, where we don't know where the water will come serve all these new monsters.......

Rosina Christina Moder said...

Since 2009 Music Unites Jamaica Foundation together with other homeless musical organizations has been pleading for a home to create a MUSIC HUB..... We started with 62 Lady Musgrave Road...., then Old Issa House on Olivier Road.... , the beautiful David Boxer House..... VALE ROYAL WOULD BE "THE" DREAM!

Anonymous said...

Vale Royal, as Vernon says, is a part of our history, like Devon House. It should not be sold! It should be renovated and can be used to entertain our official guests. Wasn't it an official residence? The Mayor's Official Residence on Argyle Road has had the same fate!
Does anyone in our Government really care about anything?
I think it is time this tail stops wagging the dog! We, the people of Jamaica unite and demand much more from these elected persons. Let our voices be heard, Loud and Clear!!
We demand Accountability, Transparency, Honesty, Integrity, Fairness, Justice, Respect and a Clean Country! We have had enough! Perform or Pick-up and Go! The buck stops here! & Now!

Anonymous said...

Omg wow😁

Micspen said...

Oh Gad governments have begun to sick my socioeconomic and cultural stomach.
The lacking in conscious of our administrators and politicians is appalling.
It's like hearing the Whitehouse is up for sale in the USA.
Another Jamaican cultural heritage horror story.

Anonymous said...

They could fix the building itself and use the land for other kinds of investments. But preserve the historical building and turn it into a tourist attraction. showcasing the history of that period. We still don't understand that the past must be preserved in treasures like Vale Royal. Take a book from the colonisers. ..good old Britain.

Anonymous said...

This seems to be the trend, sale of cholera cemetaries ie green spaces, scrapping of the palesados boardwalk, bulldozing of Constant Spring Market, sale of Vale Royal, race course/ hero's circle, the last green space in Kingston a car park and dump, soon to jave a parliament building on it. 100 years of Liberty Hall passed without a whimper. Heritage sites in ruins, held up only by the struggling voluntary/nonprofit sector, Hope Gardens a location for parties and dance hall shows while it is parcelled out bit by bit. Why don't we ask Ms Grange to go?
Without vision the people perish.God help us!

Anonymous said...

Can I ask .how old is Babsy now? She looks good and she seems to work hard but her ideas are dated and as old as she is. Is there succession planning in her case? Who will take over the reins of her Minsitries. I think she has too much on her plate and isn't managing as effectively as she should. How could she agree to the sale of Vale Royal?

Anonymous said...

Instead of expressing outrage re Vale Royal here, we all need to send send messages to OP: Open Letters to PM, social media posts to PM, Babsie Grange etc

Anonymous said...

OPM not OP

Vernon Derby said...

Posts are distributed to our leaders and this one will be sent to the PM and the Leader of the Opposition. Members of the media receive copies of the posts and I read some on air. Each month we we have over 49,000 views. Your comments on this blog will help to make a difference.

Nzingha said...

It is good that the posts are sent to the PM and the LOP.. but are they really reading them? Is there someone assigned to select what they regard as important and put them on their desks for action? I wonder Vernon.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

The PM has responded to some of my messages.

Anonymous said...

What a shame No‼️ to selling, it must be fixed the money is there, so many historical places in the country in shambles, come on Action not a Bag Mouth.the Ole capital needs immediate help

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