Sunday 2 June 2024

Breaking News - Gordon House Arson Attack, Tufton in Hospital

Minister Christopher Tufton

I understand that someone attempted to burn down Gordon House in Jamaica. There is also a report that Minister Christopher Tufton is now in the hospital. He was hit by a motor vehicle while riding his bicycle. I am awaiting official information from the police and also Jamaia House.


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Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that. 


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Anonymous said...

What is happening in Jamaica some one attacking gardon house👹

Anonymous said...

Burning Gordon House will not change anything except getting the perpetrator(s) prison sentence because Parliament will be convened somewhere else. We must never forget the US Congress invasion and its impact on society.

CHAYIL said...

Dear God, what next?
Seems our people getting more and more disorderly, cold and wreckless with each passing day.

I send prayers & good wishes to Minister Tufton. Hope it's nothing serious.
Feel better soon Minister. Please let us hear from you that you're okl

Anonymous said...

Indeed, we send up Prayers for Mr. Tufton's brisk recovery. We'd love to hear some good news!

I think we wanted to change the location of and up-grade Gordon House so this might give us a reason???

Anonymous said...

Not even the Government are safe in Gordon house? Where's the security precaution around Gordon house? Get well soon Mr Tuffton🙏🏿

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

One media house reports that the Minister was hit down by a Popular Artistes. Is that the name of the artiste? The report could have said an accident involving Mr Tufton and a car driven by Tom Stroke. We are trying to protect the artiste's name? We do the same thing for schools. Rather than calling the school's name when there is an issue we say a well-known school. If the matter involves some schools we have no problem calling the name.

Anonymous said...

Seem like these people are influenced by Trump ,because I'm aware he has a lot of supporters out here , as America cough we catch the cold. When the prime minister crash and died the other day, people were making comments like , it couldn't be Andrew, is Andrew next and these things, when did we reach here? Speedy recovery to mr Tufton. Mr Derby is the same when murder, abuse ect is committed the victims name and faces all over the place, but the perpetrators name and faces are withheld K.M.D.T

Anonymous said...

Why they want to burn down Garden house that camera is there to show who want to do this and if a send dem send him he must talk so many mental people is around and think they are ok

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about these very unfortunate events. I hope Dr. Tufton is ok and recovering quickly.

I also hope that the Gordon House event is not staged. I remember when Cliff Hughes said they shot up Nationwide News Network premises.

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