Monday 24 June 2024

Complaints From Bark Di Trute Supporters

The following are reports made by readers using The Bark Di Trute Report Online Link:

 JPS - Street Lights Out

The street light on Halifax Crescent, off East Kings House Rd Kingston 6 has been out for over 6 months. It has been reported a million times to JPS, but to no avail. Our worst fear was realized when my house was broken into for the 2nd time a couple days ago.  The darkness has be aiding & harbouring the criminals in our area. Please, we the residents of Halifax Crescent, are appealing to JPS to give us some light & a sense of security. The post # is 0079072

Best regards,

Disappointed Jamaican

JPS Light Post

"Report  a light post# 40292

Which is up rooting and splitting at Medowvale    Way and Medowvale Crescent , Medowvale in  Portmore

"The road from Cave to Kentucky in the mountain top in Westmoreland is in deplorable condition. From Mr. Patterson has fix that road, it had not being touch again unless it is people of the community comes together to patch out Where ever the worse part of road is. There is about two taxi running now on that route, the other taxes are running Darliston route instead. Can you believe that Sir Vernon? The Councilor is: Elvega?

 Francis  and the MP is : Daniel Lawrence. Try and see if you can get them on your program Sir Vernon."


"Report for The community of Cave to Kentucky in Westmoreland.

Sir Vernon, am reporting on behalf of the people in Cave to Kentucky in the Parish of Westmoreland. The roads from the bottom of Cave to top of Kentucky is about 15 kilometers of road and is in need of new road surface. 

Can you believe that there is only two bus is now running on that route as taxi's. So most likely most of the others are running on the Darliston route.

Can please try and see how best you could get the Councilor, Elvega (?) Francis and MP, Daniel Lawrence to come and have a talk with you on KLAS to let us know what is really going to happen for this these communities.

Warm regards,

Aaron Plummmer.

Locating Someone

Top of the evening to you have been trying to locate a brother I heard I have by my dad but to no avail. His name suppose to be O'Neil McDonald I'm not sure if he's using that name or he changed it. I asked my dad before he passed about him, but I only got the name and he said he doesn't know or hear anything about him from the mom left, I hear he's of brown complexion and my dad is jet black as we would say in jamaica and that's what might have caused the fallout. 

So his name suppose to be O'Neil McDonald 

Mom name Maxine no surname , from Sandy Bay Hanover 

Dad's name Clovis McDonald aka Glasses, mass Joe or pretty boy. 

He used to work at Playboy hotel in Ocho Rios and a hotel in Boscobel St Mary,  I believe he use to live at a place name Racecourse or Gully road  before he moved to Markham district Fellowship Hall St Mary.

I've been asking around and this is all the info I got,  so please if you could shout it out on your program thanks in advance. 

Living In Front of Companies Office

I've to the companies recently and I found it disturbing to see that someone was living at the side of the building to the garage,  dozens of people from all classes  enter that place everyday,  along with who runs thee institution,  and no one intervene? No one call in the proper authorities to remove him from there because I see it as unsanitary, distasteful,  and degrading,  it is a down right shame, and it should be addressed instantly. A back a yaad thing this not front page.

No Running Water

No running water being supplied to sanguinetti Dist Clarendon for over 3 yrs


I live on Huntsdene Ave near Cassia Park Rd. Since we had a leak that was fixed a couple Mondays back, water supply is inconsistent. It's coming la in the early hours- maybe 5.30, but being switched off before 4.30pm so even rushing home at the end of the day doesn't help. I understood this was 6 to 6 shift because of drought but I'd like more than hearsay from neighbors.

St Ann's Bay Parish Council

"The drain right in front of the Ocho Rios Methodist Church gate has not been cleaned for a while now.  I have been working in the church office for thirteen years now and during this this time it has been cleaned once..  I have sent letter to the parish council office in St. Ann's Bay and then to Mr. McKenzie office and no response to the problem. Members of the Ocho Rios Methodist  Church have also try reaching out to the Councillor but nothing has been done. Perso  have to be walking in the road and now it is worse because there is an MWC pipe that is burst further up the road and  all the water is coming down to settle because the drain is not clean. 

The roads have been damaged  for 18 years an can't seem to fix its a disgrace to see the pot holes we have to work with what use to take 15 minutes  to get to linstead now taking hour an a half we need road desperately 

KSAC Old Man Needs Help

There’s a 90 years old man loves on 131/2 Olympic way needed to cares for he alone live and he’s unable to help himself . His name is George Watson  , I am stranger but I see this tax payer man needed cares I am asking the government of Jamaica to put this in one of hand government golden age home . I would be grateful . 

Why has the issue of the missing police and JDF ballots not getting the required attention by the media and has  there been any information into the matter at all 


From election  no water in the Orangefield  district  in linstead St catherine

Editors note:

Let me know if these matters have been resolved by sending a WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261.

Click to Make a Report.


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