Tuesday 4 June 2024

Elderly Woman Stranded in Home Due to Poor NWC Workmanship!

Once again in North St. Andrew, Coopers Hill, a resident is now trapped in her home due to the conditions of the road resulting from work done by the National Water Commission (NWC). The resident claims that the area was dug up to lay water pipes and marl was subsequently poured over the area. The rains have started and one elderly resident living at Shoucair Circle in the North Rural, St. Andrew constituency in Coopers Hill, is now trapped in her home.

Jamaicans have complained bitterly over the years about roads being dug up for repairs and these roads are then left in a deplorable state after a shower of rain. There is little or no accountability as far as these agencies are concerned. I wonder which ministry, which permanent secretary and which Minister is responsible for all of this?

Water is entering the house and the elderly resident is unable to sleep at night for fear of being flooded out.

The MP is Minister Juliet Cuthbert and the councillor is Rohan Hall. This is a matter that politicians should not have to get involved in if the agency does its work.

Sound clip:




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Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that. 


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Anonymous said...

Not sure it was wise to state her address here. Could've stated the area only.

Anonymous said...

I think we need to be careful with the degree of specific information we share in the public domain, there are unscrupulous persons among us.
The never ending saga of shoddy workmanship, or a 5 day job taking 5 years to complete with cost overrun!! What else is new?
Poor management!

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

It is amazing how we are living in fear and this is a democratic country. There is nothing to hide about the address. This is where the problem is and the state agency needs to know. Do you believe that the state agency will do her something? That would be a serious matter. Now that the world knows about this problem, let us see if the state agency will victimize the complainant!

Anonymous said...

Probably the reason why the agencies don't do their work is because they are never accountable for their actions. Heads of agencies & ministries are never called out for their failings. Only politicians are called out.

Anonymous said...

The state agencies read this blog?

Anonymous said...

All concerned must be called out. This is disgustingly shameful. Total disregard for life or property.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I am surprised at you asking this question! As citizens, we have awesome power. This is not just a blog for posting material. Leaders in Jamaica and overseas monitor this blog. This blog has had over 1.24 million views and is sometimes quoted by traditional media. Actions normally follow when matters are highlighted on the site. I have lawyers and other persons who I consult with for further assistance. The MP and other relevant persons have already been informed of the situation highlighted in this blog. We are in touch with our political leaders, leaders in the public and also the private sector.

One news item posted on this site a few years ago made world news.

Vernon Derby said...

You are correct. Jamaican just sit down and take everything. For those who believe that this is a little post on social media you have another guess coming. This information is sent to media houses, sent to the Minister in charge of the NWC, sent to NWC senior staff, circulated in the community and it will be mentioned on radio in the morning.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

NWC has responded to the post and advised that action will be taken. The MP for the area has also read the post.

Anonymous said...

Mighty God this looks extremely dangerous

Anonymous said...

Can NWC be charge for their blatant negligence? They have been doing this for years and nothing happened, yet they will charge us for late payment, stealing their water and sometimes overcharging us for water we did not use and there is no leaks. When will this end🤔?

Vernon Derby said...

Minister Samuda has reived the post and I expect him to follow up on this matter.

Anonymous said...

The MP and Councilour should be the ones to ensure that citizens concerns are acted on but how often do they act without public pressure ? I have never seen or spoken to my MP and saw Councilour for first time just before elections. Smh

Anonymous said...

This is NWC style of operations. Dig and run. Dont mention Cuthbert she dont business with up dem side there all the roads leading up from sterling castle has craters spread from side to side of parts of the road. Ms that live there suh mi feel it fi u and a hurricane season now sigh

Anonymous said...

That is unreal!!

Anonymous said...

This situation is unacceptable. Where is the representation? Where are the personnels to put pressure on the NWC to complete projects in a timely manner. What value is placed on life and livity in this country?

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you.

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