Friday 14 June 2024

Police Took Action - Couple Engaging in Public Sexual Act in Spalding to Face the Music


Wha sweet yu wi sour yu.

It was reported in one of Jamaica's daily newspapers that the police have taken action to deal with the illegal activity of a couple engaging in a sexual act in full view of the public. The post in Bark Di Trute went viral and many people expressed shock and horror at the act.

It is reported that the female involved in the act gave the police an incorrect name and address. She will face additional charges. She is still in the lock-up.

Congratulations to the police and those who sent the video to me. You are definitely helping to fight against low-class behaviour

More Reading

  1. Live street sex.
  2. Observer story with update.




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Anonymous said...

Wow omg😁

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news. People need to know that you can be arrested for indecent exposure

Anonymous said...

About time the law kicks in; we can't do S we please in public spaces.

Anonymous said...

Lockup dem baxide yes!

Micspen said...

This case will not go anywhere past the hype and talk,no conviction only initial inconvenience to the alleged perpetrators of an arrest.

If the original equipment used to film the incident is not submitted to the court.

Again if the user of said equipment is not available to give evidence as a witness, such a case will be thrown out.

Do you recall a case where a policeman was filmed in Ocho Rios shooting to death a defenseless man on the ground that went viral?.

That policeman was freed because of the aforesaid reasons no equipment or the user as witness.

That I recall could be a precedent and those alleged offenders freed as the case languishes in the court until it is thrown out.

All they have to say is

Successful prosecutions cannot be made based on innuendo and hearsay as that opens the doors for injustice and the violation of one's justiciable human and constitutional rights.

It was public outcry that caused the arrest based on hearsay and public outcry after the fact.
The police perhaps were busy arranging the collection of indirect taxes in the form of traffic tickets from the near 600,000 vehicles on Jamaica's roads daily.

Is that all we have these days Traffic Ticket Issuing Police a kind of indirect/backdoor taxation while criminals of death, destruction,immorality and costly corruption take over the country.

Anonymous said...

Thanks...we tend to perpetuate dim wittedness in all areas of our lives...we as a people have normalized depravity

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