Tuesday 11 June 2024

Tribute To Lois Grant



Lois Grant

KINGSTON, JAMAICA: Anyone who knew Lois Grant knew her as a forthright, frank, truthful, honest person who made a mark and who in her own words was not afraid to share her many experiences in her creative stories so very well told that you literally experienced them with her. She was a Communication Consultant ‘par excellence’, a Journalist who knew the rules but did not allow them to dim her creative style and a humanist, whose genuine interest in people was reflected not only professionally, but also in her personal life.

Especially so in her later years, she was in a hurry to live life to the fullest, and her enthusiasm and appreciation of all the pleasures it presented, was infectious. One of my last comments to her, as she told me of her preparations to visit friends not recently seen, as part of the celebration of May as her birth month, expressed my genuine admiration,  of what I described as ‘truly demonstrating Christian fellowship and ‘brotherly love’.  For Lois was pursuing this task she had set out to do not just because it was something ‘nice to do’; but because she understood the genuine pleasure it would bring.  She lived life fiercely, was focused on discovering the promise of each new day and was genuinely anxious to use life to show the appreciation that too many of us leave for the time after death when it cannot be really appreciated.

I told her then that she was creating an enviable legacy that would truthfully ‘sing her song’; and that would chronicle a not well-known but equally important part of her distinguished life story!  

I will always remember our joint commitment to remember the contribution of those who had helped us in our professional journey, when decades ago, together we visited Ralston Smith Partner and head of Jamaica’s first Public Relations Agency, Public Relations Associates (PRA), - the agency at which we both started our communications career. So for Lois, this was not just a ‘nice thing to do’ in her retirement years, it was a genuine reflection of the thoughtfulness, kindness and generosity of spirit that described her persona.                        

Her professional contributions over the years are legendary, and read like a fantastic tale of unbelievable achievements! The miracle is, that it is all true.  Communication Consultant, Journalist, Broadcaster; Entrepreneur, owner and Managing Director of Corporate Image Productions Ltd; a Communications Agency; Co-Founder of Innercity Promotions, through which she made her mark in the Entertainment field as one of the pioneers of live ‘Dancehall’ Concerts in Jamaica providing the platform for the development of many of today’s ‘greats’ in the entertainment field;   Director of Communications in the Office of the Prime Minister of Jamaica from 2007 to 2013, and even when officially retired;  a prolific writer for Vernon Derby’s ‘Blog Spot’ and Consultant with NBC Sports,” 

No, these accolades and professional achievements could not be ‘made up’! …. This was Lois Eleanor Grant;  the communications professional, who broke all boundaries; - doing the impossible, making strong contributions in one lifetime, in a dynamic career which would normally describe the professional life of two or three people!  She lived and worked to the fullest!

Then even when one would believe that the story had been told, as Lois celebrated her birth month of May 2024; one week before her passing, on Wednesday, June 7, she received recognition from the male-dominated Kiwanis Club of West St. Andrew, (during their 45th anniversary), for shattering the glass ceiling by being the first woman to be welcomed as a member to the Club after being so approved in the Kiwanis Club International 1987 Convention,

Even as Lois celebrated her 70th year in what was to be the last month of her life, as if in a carefully written script she had the last word, as she declared in her usually well-illustrated ‘Facebook,’ post; “Embracing the cherished moments of the month of May, which holds significance not only as my birth-month but at a time I celebrate throughout its entirety. All 30 days; -Giving thanks for the blessings of my two treasures; Darrick and Kala!!”

This was Lois Grant…. -  A truly remarkable person, whose life impacted many; including daughter Kala Williams; son, Darrick Foster, her mother and other relatives; friends; and business associates, who are blessed to remember the rich legacy of a life well-lived! May her soul rest in peace!

SAYING THANKS: L-R Elaine Commissiong; pioneer in Public Relations Practice in Jamaica, Ralston Smith and Lois Grant.


Elaine Commissiong

Elaine Eloise Commissiong, OD, JP, MBA, BSc, Dip. Ed. (UWI) Founder, Chairman, and Executive Director, CARA LTD; Corporate Affairs, Research and Advertising Ltd; 1981-2014 Graduate of the UWI: BSc Hons. (Botany, Zoology and Geology); Diploma in Education; Master in Business Administration (MBA) – Marketing Emphasis (1994). 2013 recipient of the National Order of Distinction ‘for distinguished service in the practice of Public Relations.’


Micspen said...

Great woman, a loss to Jamaica and the World.
Is Ms Lois mother alive as we speak if so a feature on her would be appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Superwoman Ms Grant must be celebrated.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful world beautiful people Ms Grant was one of them.

Anonymous said...

Missa Derby we shall cherish her everlasting legacy mi know yuh miss her too.Her writings were so informative and enlightening as her humility was infectious.

Anonymous said...

Well said Elaine Commissiong!

Anonymous said...

Well said. With all that she stills fine time to visit with the elderly. I will miss my friend but I will remember our journey together. Sleep on till we meet again.

Anonymous said...

For the 17 years I worked for her she was patient and understanding she was a role model who mentored me in the skills and value of a great leader Rest well Mrs Frant

Anonymous said...

Rest well my boss

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