Tuesday 25 June 2024

When Last Have You Said Good Morning to Someone?


*Good Morning*

We all take good morning for granted and it is perhaps the most used greeting on the planet earth among its 8 billion inhabitants.

Well, let's go global this morning.

Saying good morning to you in different languages:

Mawnin =patwa Jamaica

Dobroye Utro = Russian

So you can say Dobroye utro  Vladimir  ðŸ˜Ž.

Namaste= Hindustani of India

Zaoshang hao= Mandarin from China. 

Let's bark di trute.

Zaoshang hao President Ji 🤣wo shi Yamaijaren.

Bonjour= French for France and many African countries

Molo ngoko Sawubono = Xhosa among the Basotho people in South Africa.

Our Basotho friend Tlalle in Lesotho, SA will be delighted by this post.

Buenos Dias = Spanish

Guten Morgen   = German

Jamaica as a leading tourist destination should become multilingual without delay.

Mandarin should immediately be introduced in schools and also a CXC subject.

This is straight pragmatic economics.

The earth has 8 billion people 2.5 speak English,

1.5 speak Mandarin those 2 languages account for half of the earth's population.

Can you imagine adding another 1.5 million Hindustani speakers language out of India.

We are already on to Spanish appr 1 billion speakers globally.

Russian 111 million what do we sell them and do we get their tourists.

Streetwise economics suggests one should diversify markets. 

In event, you have an embargo placed on you by Uncle Sam, Nato Jane or King Charles.  Survival alternatives must always be available.

Education is the application of knowlege gained for the betterment of mankind.

Our learning system must look at the world in the future then plan with beneficial interests in mind. 

Go for it Jamaica universal languages are low hanging fruits let's pick.

mics 🖊 pen



Anonymous said...

Wow! languages for development I never thought of that.
Low hanging fruit Prime Minister and Leaders of Opposition, Minister of Education ,people of Jamaica and Minister
of Finance.
Minister of Tourism Exuberant yute Ed Bartlett let me hear you.

Anonymous said...

Top a top thinking let's pick this language fruit Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

That languages idea is the best i have heard Missa D.
Those people should be in a think tank to fill the placec with workable ideas.

Anonymous said...

Hope them run with this idea.
Mr ready fi learn the Mandarin and Hindustani.

Anonymous said...

Reggae in Russian,Mandarin,
Hindustani are untapped markets.
Are we afraid to earn from our talents.
Come on Reggae in China Mandarin or Cantonese.
A market of one thousand four hundred million.
Music needs no boxes and ships as the internet transports the product remotely.
Even a song punctuated with Zao Shang hao and ni Hao all over it

Anonymous said...

Ni Hao ni Hao Zaoshang hao wode Yamaijeren.
Put the music to that and add some body to it.

Anonymous said...

Reggae India ,send Breadfruit to China we would run out of breadfruit.

Anonymous said...

Learning these languages could open a gold mine.

Anonymous said...

Powerful thoughts not to be missed.

Micspen said...

Good ideas

Micspen said...

I recall going to Curacao and noticed that any language you spoke to a Curacao resident in they spoke back to you.

That country which is Dutch thrives on trade and tourism with diverse people.

They not bawling about Colonialism and wanting to be some Republic.

They are making use of those relationships to make their country and people live well.

I did ask them how come?,
It was a education policy that all those languages be taught in all schools and I mean all,barring none.

There is precedent close enough to emulate right there in Curacao.You can go look for yourselves that is pragmatism.

Jamaica must stop wasting tome bawling who born British,American,Israeli,
Dutch or Russian ,instead maximize the opportunities those relationships offer.

Anonymous said...

Good morning in Basotho could be said "Dumela" in Lesotho or elsewhere in Southern Africa.

Vernon Derby said...

What language is that?

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