Thursday 25 July 2024

Feedback From Readers and Listeners.


A reader and listener writes about the Meteorological Service radar system not working:

Hi vernon I assume this is another way. I can send questions for your radio program as you are aware. I am curious to find out if the weather radar operation on behalf of the people of Jamaica by the weather office has been repaired and secondly, there is a report on hurricane buried, indicating atmospheric pressure, wind, speed, rainfall amount and conditions of the city usually express and wave high.

Editor's response:

I have been advised that the radar should be fixed within a month.

Bark Di Trute supporter says thanks.

Police Federation Chairman Arlene McBean issues a statement.

South Trelawny is still without electricity.

Editor: Please help me to locate this good Samaritan. WhatsApp me at 876 816-5261



I have been assisting persons here in Jamaica and overseas for over 30 years now voluntarily. Your support can help me to continue the work which requires hours of dedicated work and using my own resources. Thanks to those who have offered to assist so far.

Send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261 if you want to use a different method to contribute.Thanks. 
Vernon L. Derby


Anonymous said...

I commend that gentleman who assisted the elderly gentleman, it shows there are still loving and caring people in our midst. I do not endorse the recommendation for him to recognized nationally.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Derby I see you're shining in your dark corner. Keep being an example of the difference one can make.
For some reason the jail shooting of the policeman is not making sense. I read that the prisoner is a businessman. Why was he in lockup and did he and the officer have some verbal altercation before? Was the prisoner acting strange or was hostile leading up to that moment? Where were the prison guards and othet police officers? Were they alone? Apparently he didn't follow procedures.

JPS needs to pull itself up. Yes, in the States it took them awhile to restore electricity but Jamaica is not that vast and it's obvious they need to upgrade their infrastructure but more urgent yet is how seriously they take customer service. Too many almost fallen posts and dangling wires. Why knowingly put the public's life at risk? Not ro mention poor communication with the public. You can't be everywhere at once but disperse your workforce smartly. Keep the public informed and reassure customers. Some efforts were made to let some areas know they are up next on the list but what about the other communities anxiously awaiting the restoration of their electricity? Address everybody. Go physically where possible. Interact with the people.

It's always good to know we still have humans among us. That youngman will not lose his blessing; public recognition or not. Let's normalize these gestures and not look at them with marvel and wonder. Shame on those who took the time to videotape instead of lending a hand. But at the same time because someone took the time the public has the video to reflect on.

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