Monday 12 August 2024

Prime Minister Holness Reacts to Mass Murders in Clarendon

Press Release From The Office of The Prime Minister - 20240812:

The Most Hon. Andrew Holness

"We will not relent in our efforts to reduce criminality and we will not surrender our society to criminals. I wish to assure the nation that my Government will continue to pursue a multi-faceted approach as we support the security forces in the bid to further reduce violent crime."- Prime Minister Holness

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has called a meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) for Monday, August 12, 2024 at 9:00am. The meeting will be convened to discuss a brutal gun attack on Cherry Tree Lane in Clarendon on Sunday night.

The Prime Minister commented on the act of criminality after he received a preliminary briefing from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).

Prime Minister Holness advised the Police to leave no stone unturned in bringing to justice the criminals who perpetrated the dastardly act.

"I condemn this reprehensible and brutal attack which resulted in several people in Clarendon being murdered. I extend my deepest condolences to all the families who are affected by this tragedy. I have spoken to the Police High Command and advised that all efforts must be extended to bring the perpetrators to justice, as quickly as possible. The Jamaican state will not countenance such savagery being meted out to our people. We will respond strongly", Prime Minister Holness vowed.

The Prime Minister says the incident is a reminder that despite the approximately 17 percent reduction in murders which has been achieved this year, the Government will have to persist and intensify efforts to aggressively target criminal gangs across Jamaica.

"We will not relent in our efforts to reduce criminality and we will not surrender our society to criminals. I wish to assure the nation that my Government will continue to pursue a multi-faceted approach as we support the security forces in the bid to further reduce violent crime", Prime Minister Holness commented.

The Prime Minister also called on anyone with information concerning the gun attack on Cherry Tree Lane in Clarendon to tell the Police what they know.



Anonymous said...

Mr PM at 9 am you should be holding a national press conference.....the so called nsc should have met last night we continue to trundle on the spot....that section of clarendon should have been sealed off ...wi soldier up a camp a get fat whilst citizens are slaughtered....a failed state now jus 30 years behind haiti

Anonymous said...

What's new "we will not countenance such savagery".
On the other hand we countenance savages with freedom parties and stretch limousines and alleged national awards.

Anonymous said...

Until we call a spade, a spade, we are doomed. Beautiful words have always been spoken but the results speak loudly.

Anonymous said...

When we were under COVID lockdown, and young people were having partes here, there and everywhere, defiantly taunting Andrew Holness seh "him cyaan stop dem", within HOURS them men were identified, taken into police custody and making public, telivised apology to the PM.
The technology existe, but is being used selectively.
.every day I watched motorists breaking the road traffic law right in front of the Ministry of Justice (West kings house road and constant spring road). Using the left lane as if going to halla way tree, then suddenly jumping into the right turning lane.
Same game play at Trafalgar & Holborn roaf intersection. EXCEPT WHEN A POLICEMAN IS THERE!! Waste of manpower! Instal cameras to capture license plates and fine them so stiffly they won't do it again. Bottom line is the technology is there but not the willingness to use it

Anonymous said...

Good argument. They can do better to maintain civility.

Anonymous said...

Whenever a innocent person speak their mind, police find them, yet whenever; our citizens are being slaughtered like an animal. There is hardly any evidence to back it up or you might hear that the camera's were Not working ( Ouch). Wow! The criminals realized that the government of day, does not believe in hanging and they will get away, with a whole lot of ease. So the criminal's are stepping up their games. Why the government let it seems like everything is under control. When is this Prime Minister going to put down his foot. If a even the left foot, and stop let the criminals getting away with so much evil. This is à damn disgrace to our communities and our nation at large. Wake up! Wake up! Mr. Prime Minister and take charge of our country 🤔.

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