Monday 7 October 2024

Hurt Creary Family Responds To Pastor's Comments Made at Funeral Service

Statement From The Creary Family

I have just received the above voice statement from Don Creary, made on behalf of the family. This is in response to  comments made by a pastor at their mother's funeral. I hope to hear from the pastor soon, because whether he intended it or not, the family is hurting. I am almost certain that the pastor would not be happy to know that he upset relatives at the funeral service for their deceased relative.

Pastor you can send your response by WhatsApp at 876 816-5261. This matter is blowing up social media Sir.

More Reading

Pastor's statement was mentioned in this blog.

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Anonymous said...

Not sure why Mr. Creary is upset with the pastor. The pastor was not speaking of the dead - he is trying to w

Anonymous said...

Not sure why Mr Creary is upset with the pastor. Like many other funerals, pastors use the opportunity to speak to the living and try to win souls to Christ. This pastor told a story about an MP. Guess he chose the anology because lots of political representatives were present and the 'MP' is easiest to recall. Nothing wrong at all. The bloggers are the ones who took the clip and inserted their caption for likes and for viral content. Pastor end up get bad name for doing his job - and it puzzles me as to why Mr. Creary believe that of all the politicians in attendance - that it is the PM that the pastor was referrencing? Why is that?

Anonymous said...

Well said👹

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mr Creary you don't use the pulpit to throw words on anyone you preach the word of God tell somebody to repent from there sins not to talk about green or Orange you don't ramp with God

Anonymous said...

The pastor's attempt to give a joke did not come off as a joke.It was inappropriate.Time and place matters.As a man of the cloth he should know better.When people are mourning their emotions are raw it is their mother's funeral.He should be more sensitive.Time and Place matters.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the pastor had no ulterior motive he was just preaching.
Are we sometimes too thin-skinned unnecessarily?
Leave the pastor alone.

Anonymous said...

You can't tell someone how to feel. What is joke to you is not for someone else. Time and place seem to matter no more to those who should know better.

Anonymous said...

The family is upset and that cannot be ignored. If you upset someone especially if you care for that persons you apologize and say you did not intended to upset them. It might be a .misunderstanding. it is never a good position to say you cannot understand why people are upset. You will never have forgiveness and healing and the war will continue.

Anonymous said...

God isn't sleeping, and I totally agree that he definitely wasn't trying to win souls for Christ but like you say, we shouldn't romp with God. Time and place. He should consider leaving the pulpit, go on the political platform and win souls for his party.

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