Saturday 5 October 2024

Politics and Politricks - Temperatures are Rising Higher

Yes the temperatures are rising in the political arena but the gangs that normally provide support for the political parties are not interested in these political parties. I understand that the scammers are supportive of a few political aspirants. One political aspirant even got himself into trouble making positive statements about the scammers.

These days gangs and scammers are more powerful than politicians. Even with the increase pay politicians are getting, they cannot win over community members easily. One political leader told me that he organized a football match to get the young people involved. That political leader will have to leave that to the scammers now who can pay up to JAD0.5 million to the willing team and big money for each goal scored. I understand that at one match, there was a wide variety of high-end vehicles parked at a football match. These vehicles are owed by very young men. The Integrity Commission should investigate these scammers!

Hidran Mckulsky

Getting a seat in parliament these days is like fighting for a job. With better pay for political leaders, why not? I understand that some labourites are not happy that there is a move to block the path of Hidran Mckulsky to replace Audley Shaw in North East Manchester. I got information that Adion Peart a nephew of Dean Peart a former PNP MP, is looking to greener pastures since the orange seats are running out.

JLP supporters claim that Adion Peart has friends close to the leadership of the JLP party who are trying to clear the way for him. This might not be an easy task because Hidran Mckulsky the Principal of Holmwood Technical High is already very popular in the constituency.

Isat Buchanan

There is another interesting development in Portland - Isat Buchanan will be running against sitting MP Ann-Marie Vaz. Many persons see this move to have Isat Buchanan who has had a checkered past running for a seat in Portland, as a dumb move. This is not necessarily so. Money is important, and with the backing Isat has in the dancehall fraternity this could be a smart decision. Note the big reception that Vybz Kartel got at the last PNP conference when he went on the platform.

I had wondered why Vybz Kartel was invited to the platform? I now realize that Isat saved him so why not usher his lawyer and friend to the conference, riding in his chariot of fame. Oh the arena went wild when Vybz Kartel hit the stage with Isat by his side.

If Isat loses at the next general elections, then it would be no problem because the party would not need him for a ministerial position. He could be appointed to the Senate. I don't believe that the PNP expect to win Ann-Marie Vaz.

Interesting days are ahead!

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Anonymous said...

Weak attempt to appear and sound neutral, your true colours keep showing sir.🙊

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I normally do not reply to comments like this one which is a waste of time. For the record please note that I have quite a number of biases, and I vote at election time. I have no time to waste proving that I am neutral to anyone because I am not. I use this blog to give facts and also my opinions. Hope that I am not being too harsh and you are probably reading my blog for the first time. Note also that I allow persons to comment and also to write for my blog. If you have something intelligent to say then submit an article to 876 816-5261. I don't need to know your true colour. Get up and do something constructive for your country and stop watching others who are doing something. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Same do, Mr. Derby.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Vernon's comment.

Regardless of our preferred party, we must hold our leaders accountable and share our views. It helps the debate and the search for solution when we can have different points of views but yet we disagree in an agreeable manner without ascribing motive.

Secondly, our personal beliefs and views are just that, our personal beliefs.

I disagree with Vernon from time to time, but i am convinced his heart is in the right place i.e. for the improved welfare of all Jamaicans.

On improving Jamaica we are fully agreed.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. We should all be working towards a better Jamaica.

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