Saturday 11 June 2022

Minister Grange Spits Fire at Festival Song Press Conference

Minister Grange
The Festival Song Competition 2022, has been cancelled and the nation is still in shock after hearing this news. As a people, we had 60 years to get to this point, and it is embarrassing that this premier event for our Independence Celebrations has been shelved. It is still not clear what steps the Minister of Culture Gender, Entertainment and Sport will take to appease the minds of the Jamaican people. Jamaicans are now in a state of shock. How can you cancel an event which is the premier event for the Independence celebrations. This is not the first time that the competition has been cancelled and it might be cancelled next year again.

There was a press conference today June 11, 2022, with Minister Grange, members of the Board and management fielding questions from journalists. At the end of it, I still asked myself, what was the aim of the conference. I got the feeling that the emphasis was to make it clear that the cancellation of the competition was based on the professional advice of these esteemed judges. It wasn't me!

One journalist got the Minister quite irate when he made mention of comments made by Grub Cooper who spoke publicly about political interference and Vernon Derby who felt that  persons were boycotting the competition. These comments seemed to have caused the Minister to spit fire and she demanded an apology from Grub Cooper. Most of her responses to Grub Cooper's radio comments, was inaudible and when asked the same question again later, she responded in a more calm and civil fashion.

The press conference came across more like a town hall meeting with journalists and other media practitioners giving advice rather than probing to find out what went wrong with the Festival Song Competition 2022.

Some persons were perplexed when Minister Grange said certain matters relating to the competition would be taken to the Cabinet. Someone remarked to me that the cabinet cannot manage crime and now they will have to find time for a Festival Song Competition.

In the meantime, some writers are now getting ready to put out their own Festival Songs. If you are going to produce a Festival Song  then send me a text message to 876 816-5261.


The editor of this blog has served as the Chair of the Festival Song Committee more than once in the past. My opinion is that the Festival Songs should involve the people from the beginning. It should be similar to the format used by the Digicel Rising Stars on TV. The peoples top 10 songs should not be chosen by a team of judges referred to as professionals, working behind closed doors. The competition should be launched and activities should start in October in the previous year. You would have time to improve the songs received. The fact that the announcement is being received in June, tells us that the competition was late.

It is my opinion and based on what a few writers and singers have said, they have lost confidence in the competition and they will not be entering again. Last year, persons feel that their songs were put aside because the top artistes were not able to travel due to Covid-19 and they entered just to eat a food. Now that Covid-19 seems to be going away many of these artistes are no longer interested in the competition.

One startling thing one should notice at the press conference was that the acting head of the JCDC was not playing an active rote at the press conference. I am not sure if that person was present! 

Other Material 

Link to press conference.

Where is the JCDC Heading?

Minister under fire.

The Winning Song Which Was A Loser.

Festival Songs With The Song But No Festival

Late Opening Of Festival Song Entries.

Festival Song Competition Receives Record Entries -2018

Record Festival Song Entries Received.

Festival Song Competition Participants Attending Training Seminar.

Big Plans for Competition - Gleaner.

Professionals Entered Competition - Gleaner



Anonymous said...

I hope next time things will be better orgonized

Anonymous said...

I really can't believe they couldn't find any suitable songs out of all the entries, I agree that the public should be involved,just as how Digicel Rising Stars does it, a competition shouldn't be so complicated.

Anonymous said...

Vernon, maybe you should have participated in the news conference. News conferences are meant for attendees to ask questions, make comments and offer views.

Anonymous said...

I attended the press conference. I wonder why you gave me that advice. One can get Information from various reputable sources and I do have quite a bit of information.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to understand that in a super-talented country such as ours we couldn't come up with a suitable song for our 60th.very disappointing, I hope lessons were learned and some of the suggestions are being considered

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