Friday 28 July 2023

What Next After Police Federation Chairman Interdiction

Corporal Rohan James
What!... The Chairman of the Police Federation has been interdicted? The Chairman is being interdicted because he made certain comments at a funeral service recently. This could be the first time a Commissioner of Police has taken such an action against the Police Federation Chairman. This a tricky one, and one to watch carefully.

For all practical purposes, the Police Federation functions as a trade union. Will this be seen as the Commissioner of Police muzzling the head of the rank-and-file members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force? Will the members take industrial action? The Essential Services Act will make it illegal for the force members to strike. They could stage a sick-out. This could put the country in a dangerous situation.

There are still more 'what ifs'. What if the Chairman of the Police Federation got off these charges, could the Commissioner of Police still remain in office? On the other hand, how will the members react and function in the Police Force when the dust has settled? One thing is certain from my vantage point, and that is, Jamaica will lose in all of this. May the good Lord help us!


Charge 2 seems a bit vague. I wonder if too much was read into the Chairman's statement.

Charge 3 is a very interesting charge in that it means that the head of the federation cannot criticize the high command publicly. I wonder how the court will deal with that.

Under Charge 4, paragraph 3, in the first line, it says " These charges are being preferred". I am almost sure that the word should not be 'preferred'. 

A part of the document shown on this blog seems to be missing. I am almost certain that it would have been signed by the Commissioner of Police or someone authorized to sign it.


Anonymous said...

Wow 😢

Anonymous said...

Why is there always a stand off whenever time's it comes for the public sector to get them pay or to get things done overall. Yet; whenever it comes to the Government and Minister's and head of public sector their is hardly any outcry. However; whenever it comes to those at the bottom of the work force. It seems like them no have no right s. Why are we always going backwards instead of heading forward. Pray For Change my people.

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