Thursday 31 August 2023

Stop Looking Down, Look Up - Full Moon Again - It's Beautiful!

It was Wednesday, August 30, 2023. It was a full moon. When last have you looked at the moon? It has not left us. Sometimes we are so busy looking down that we fail to look up and see the moon shining brightly in the sky. 

I remember those days in rural Jamaica, when the moon shone brightly at nights and there was no need for the bottle torch. I used to admire the dew drops looking like expensive jewels twinkling in the moonlight on the banana leaves. It was against the background of the choir of insects making their melodious sounds in the darkness of the night. I hated the frogs because they had this habit of interrupting the choir with their croaking sounds.

I remember the reflection of the moon in that pond by Mass Zeffy Lewis. There was a massive banana plantation surrounding the pond, but those banana trees have long passed on and probably so is the pond.  That pond where we used to catch fish that we fried with coconut oil on the woodfire. 

There was another large pond near to where Mass Harry Gentles used to live. He was married to Peter Phillip's (former leader of the Opposition Party) aunt. Thanks to madernization - things have certainly become more madern. Glastonbury in Trelawny is now a madern place like Kingston!

Yes, we are so busy looking down, that we have forgotten how to look up and admire the deep blue sky even with a few dark clouds and the moon slowly peeping out from behind. A beautiful sight it was last night.

Oh, how I miss my innocent days when we used to be scared to cross the river to go home because there was talk about rolling calf and duppy. Duppy was real, especially on a moonlight night when you could see all those tombs in the cemetery and sometimes I am convinced that I saw two duppies conversing on a tomb. Oh yes that was the time to put yu foot eena yu han an run go home. Those beautiful days when the only thing we used to fear was duppy. Now we have to fear becoming the duppy. In the meantime, if you forgot to look up and see the beautiful moon shining in all its majestic glory, you can look at the pictures below and imagine what it looked like on Wednesday. 



Anonymous said...

Very beautiful indeed🌜

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow beautiful

Anonymous said...

Honestly; I should be dead that night! I heard what sounds like a piece of chain drawing on the ground. However; something inside me tell me to tell my dad sister to hurry up and run come on. When me put mi foot 👣 in a hand and take off. Even Usain would definitely looked puzzled. He could not tell you if it is was superman or flash pasting through. It was very scary. I would not want my worst enemy to pass through such a situation that I have been through. It was not pretty at all! That is if I do have an enemy.

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