Wednesday 27 September 2023

Hibernia Residents Says No Water in Tank

Issues for:
The Honourable Matthew Samuda Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation Responsibility for Water, Environment, Climate Change, and the Blue & Green Economies

Hon. Matthew Samuda

Report from Resident of Manchester 

These water tanks have been put in place by RADA for about three years to citizens with water, it has been brought to my attention its one time it has been filled with water, the district is Hibernia in Manchester, Mr. Audley Shaw constituency, the exact location is about a quarter mile from Yander Pand intersection, the citizens are complaining.

Another Report From Manchester

Coleyville, Silent Hill, Tickie Tickie and other areas have been without water in their pipes for a long time.

NWC Report from Kingston

Dear Mr Derby,

The residents of Three Oaks Gardens are now at a point of absolute frustration with the NWC; every so often there is a heavy discharge of sewerage effluent in the gully that runs behind properties spanning Three Oaks Road, which, we believe runs from the Molynes Plant.

Several calls made to NWC have gone unanswered; we have also beseeched a high-ranking public official who is a resident in the neighbourhood & he has not assisted very much; he too says he has tried.

Mr Derby, please help us!


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