Monday 11 December 2023

From Top Criminal to Top Pastor - A Miracle Indeed!

This is the first part of a two-part feature with my guest, Pastor Vivian Talbot from Wareika Hills. He missed death a few times.  

Vivian is also familiar with His Majesty's hotel, where he has spent some of his early years. 

From Little Thirteen - a feared name to Pastor Vivian Talbot; he talks to Vernon Derby and tells his story. It was daytime radio, and therefore, his descriptions were not graphic. Let your imagination create an image of a country in turmoil during the 1970s and 1980s with an ongoing civil war - a time when the man with the gun and the fastest draw is the survivor.

His story is one which many hardcore criminals should listen to.

Click HERE to listen to the discussion.


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Allan Skill Cole



Anonymous said...

What a God don't matter what we have done wrong as long as we confess and ask for forgiveness he forgive us Lord I love you

Anonymous said...

Even in his sinful state God protected him because he was destined to do God’s work. He was not able to touch Sis. Allison because she was anointed. Because of the anointment on his life he had near misses. Pastor Talbot continue to touch lives. Mr. Derby thanks for this inspirational story. Looking forward to part two

Anonymous said...

Sounded like a wannabe Christian to me.

Micspen said...

Sounds like a wannabe badman and Christian in one.
Real Criminal coming to con the hapless masses??.
Call the police,police,police, police lice.Someone is about to make a hit.

Anonymous said...

God is good👹

Anonymous said...

Awesome life story. He needs to be out on the highways and byways sharing with lost individuals

Anonymous said...

I am a bit disappointed with some of these comments. Some people are missing the reason for this testimony and the guts it takes to share this kind of information on one's self, not to mention dangerous. I see this as God's ability to change even the most evil heart and demonstrates that nothing is too hard for God. Thank you for sharing your story Reverend Talbot. The word of God says, he who hath an ear, let him hear. I truly thank God for you and my prayer is that your ministry will widen and your horizons be expanded in the mighty name of Jesus, Yeshua. Amen ❤️ 🙏

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