Thursday 22 February 2024

Let's Go Capitalism Jamaica

The Jamaican is largely owned by a few people. Less than 2% of the population owns 95% . The economy grows yes but who really benefits.

The masses still bawling because the trickle-down effects are not deeply penetrating and impacting the 98% mass of the population.

It's election time and the impression is given that it's all about song and dance. Both parties seem clueless as to the way forward. No mention is made of how to deepen and or widen the wealth creation processes among the 98% of the population.

They seem not to realize that so, so chatting and handouts will not deepen the creative economic individualism away from criminality and other antisocial activities. Socialism is dead globally. I hope the PNP recognizes that capitalism runs the world.

The JLP an avowed Capitalist party solidified by E P G Seaga. They seem clueless as to how to deepen and widen capitalism. Unable and perhaps afraid to provide firm direction and ideological leadership in that inevitable direction.

We have allowed selfish, fully dunce capitalists/economic hustlers to drag the country along being the real political leaders. The Capitalist class with real economic and political power must be made aware of the fact that it is they who have the nation, its people and its future in their hands.

It is not enough to allow the swapping out and selling out of our country to others shrouded in "investment 3 card sales talk" for the masses to buy.

Two political parties seem clueless. The intellectuals who should provide guidance seem to be all dead or brains bought out, stunted or retired.

If the foregoing is accurate let us make Mandarin a compulsory language.China has done so with English "language of the rich".

Ask Ji Jin Ping President of China for guidance on how to harness/deepen and widen capitalism making our country and people wealthy plus progressive.

China 🇨🇳 has moved in 20 years their Middle classes (being able to spend US$50-500 and above daily) from 3% to 53% more than 700 million people.

Should Jamaica 🇯🇲 take lessons from China. 

The Chinese Communist Party used the Capitalist system successfully to create wealth. Developing a country now the envy of the world?

This takes solid leadership with integrity, honesty deep understanding of globalization with a re-educated Capitalist class Perhaps being hauled along kicking and screaming.

Get the masses on board and a strong, patriotic, nationalist, honest, unselfish leadership can do it.

Let's Go Jamaica.


mics 🖊 pen


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said so true😁

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