Wednesday 29 May 2024

Breaking News! Charlton McFarlane Former Head of RGD is a Happy Man Tonight

Charlton McFarlane - Former head of the RGD

I just heard from a reliable source that Charlton McFarlane, the former head of the RGD (Registrar General) is a happy man tonight. He has paid his penalty fee of JAD400,000 for the late submission of his documents to the Integrity Commission, and I understand he has not been found guilty of committing any corrupt act while he was head of the RGD.

It seems harsh for a man who did not submit his document on time to end up without his job and also paying a hefty penalty.  Mr. McFarlane was respected by his staff members and I would like to know from his superiors if they were satisfied with his performance.  We should consider allowing him to resume his position.

We need to review the setup and the modus operandi of the Integrity Commissions. From the outside, it seems like a huge bureaucratic organization ensuring that persons comply with all these filing requirements and yet we might never find the corrupt ones.

Editor's Note:

Government entities are required by law to submit their annual financial reports to parliament. Do we fine anyone when these documents are not filed?

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Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that. 


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Anonymous said...

The IC should allow public officials an opportunity to clear their names before making a public announcement.

Anonymous said...

Those so-called persons on the IC is more corrupt than any politician. They themselves need to be investigated. I wonder who will cast the first object?

Anonymous said...

The IC has lost all credibility in my eyes. At this point all members should resign and new persons appointed. Tired of them

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