Wednesday 29 May 2024

Christopher Seaga The Fighter!

If you ever think of giving up, think of Christopher Seaga, the determined fighter who has decided that life has given him a chance and rather than sitting down and pitying himself he will continue to fight. A man with health challenges but he has defied death because it is not his time as yet.

His father has made a major impact on his life. His father is the former Prime Minister of Jamaica, The Most Honourable Edward Seaga.  Christopher's kidney transplant operation was not without challenges but he gives thanks that he is alive.

When I broke his story on Bark Di True some years ago about his need for a kidney, the outpouring of love from the Jamaican people was amazing. This is the kind of love that we need to show to all. That story has had the most views on Bark Di Trute.

Yesterday, Christopher celebrated another birthday. He continues to take life one day at a time. You would never believe it but I am yet to meet him. I plan to have him as a guest on my show one day.

Christopher Seaga, the Fighter.

More Readings:

  1. The love of a sister for her brother.
  2. Christopher sees the light at the end of the tunnel.
  3. Update on Christopher Seaga.


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Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that. 


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All the best to you Christopher, keep on fighting.
God bless you and family Vernon for the good work.

Anonymous said...

Just continue to reach out to people in the time of needs the Lord bless u

Anonymous said...

I wish many Jamaicans could understand how potent and effective a natural approach to health challenges can be.

Anonymous said...

There are still good people in this world who care about othet people. God bless his sister and more so Vernan Derby. Keep up the good work you'll be rewarded.

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