Sunday 2 June 2024

KSAC, NEPA and Others To Check on Buildings Going Up


Buildings going up above Hope Gardens

Thanks to those citizens who have started to stand up and keep me abreast of what is happening in Jamaica and the world. Thanks also to that supporter who saw my post featuring a worker's bad driving practice. The supporter called the company manager and told him to deal with the matter or she would advise others not to support the company. The manager realizing the Bark Di Trute Supporter was serious and this blog was putting his company in a negative light, acted to deal with the matter.

Tonight I received a picture, of a massive structure on the top of a hill on lands purportedly owned by Hope Gardens. This could be part of the watershed area. The denuding of the hillside will lead to soil erosion and possible land slippage. Those living below the hill could be in danger.

The authorities must act now and check who owns this land. This area could mushroom into a massive site with no infrastructure to support a residential area. Garbage will be thrown down the hillside, electricity will be stolen and the list continues. Wake up KSAC, NEPA and other organizations. Act now or else please return the pay increase that you got recently.


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Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that. 


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Anonymous said...

Mr. Derby, the building code is for some of us, not all of us. But I pray that NEPA, KSAC, and all relevant bodies will become alerted to the potential danger of a building being constructed on land that is not suitable. However, remember it depends on who is doing the construction.

Anonymous said...

It also depends on how many of us will stand up. You can help by sharing this post, and also by sending me voice mails to 876 816-5261. Jamaicans should wake up and speak up about matters. Many only get involved when it is a partisan political matter.

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