Monday 17 June 2024

Porn Star Charged - Paid Miniscule Amount!!!

Live sex in Spalding, Clarendon.

You will recall that picture of a lady performing a sexual act with a man in Spalding recently, which shocked the nation to its core. This despicable behaviour which brought us to the level of the lower animals had tongues wagging. 

The nation will be further shocked to learn that the matter went to court and the accused female, pleaded guilty and was fined JAD1,000 or 2 days for indecent exposure and JAD4,000 or 2 days for disorderly conduct.

The man is still out on bail and he will be brought before the Spalding Parish court on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

This country is a comedy show. The woman was fined a total of JAD5,000 and I would like to know the cost of the court's sitting. The cost for the time spent by the lawyer, the judge, the clerk of courts, utility cost for the building. and other cost.

Look for the amorous couples in Spalding or even Montego Bay, Mandeville or Kingston. It's good business. She can earn thirty thousand dollars daily from contributions and the courts only tax her the minuscule amount of JAD5,000, daily. They could put in a business proposal together. She paid JAD5,000 and one pays JAD10,000 for failing to put on one's motor vehicle indicator!

They should be sent to pay a fine of about JAD300,000, each and be made to clean up some gullies and then sent to a school to be resocialized before being allowed back into their communities. 

We getting too dam outa order. Foot fi put dung now and mek wi pay dearly for our nasty deeds. Time for all of us to speak up. Enough is enough of the nasty behaviour, the crime and corruption.

Yes Officer oonu a work. Dem fi increase di penalty now!

More Readings

  1. Live Street Sex Show - Have We Reached the Bottomless Pit!!!
  2. Police Took Action - Couple Engaging in Public Sexual Act in Spalding to Face the Music




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Micspen said...

It costs about $US10,000 per year per prisoner in Jamaica.
Such a case needs perhaps re-education a kind of resocialization of participants into acceptable nose and social values.
I knew from day one that a charge if any would be miniscule.

Whatever sex act was legal.justbwrong place wrong time so indecent exposure is the best they could arrive at.

As you already pointed out prosecuting this case costs the taxpayer more than its worth.
Next time the social worker and counseling sessions would be appropriate.

Anonymous said...

The judge is a joker!!! Obviously he condones such gross behavior!!

Anonymous said...

Do you ponder on where this country is heading? Obviously this judge is in faviour of this nastinesd? This is wasting tax payers hard earned monies. It certainly is a demotivator for the men and women of the JCF.
This judge needs to be sanctioned and Civil Society should not accept this. This nation is in decay.

God help us

Anonymous said...

It’s not the judge’s fault for the small fine. Judges are bound by the statutory fines established by our parliament (government) for each crime. So, blame ourselves for the parliamentarians we elect and the subsequent minuscule fines imposed by our judges.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ronald.... The court is bounded by the fine that is on the no one can/should discredit the Judge..such is the situation....we might not like the outcome but what else can we do??? Absolutely nothing! We will have to have a complete resocialization of the people ....while hoping for a Divine intervention with all Minister of the gospel participating.

Anonymous said...

They should use people like these to clean the schools, streets, gullies etc . Community services should be a thing.

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