Sunday 16 June 2024

Residents Claim JPS' Light Post Needs Fixing


This post at Medowvale Crescent and Medowvale Way in Medowvale Portmore near Caymanas police stations needs urgent attention. The post number is 40292. The post is close to a senior citizen's house and she fears that the poll might fall on her house.

Residents claim that JPS workers came, looked at the post but no action was taken.

The matter has been reported to JPS and I hope to get a response shortly.


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Anonymous said...

Hope JPS makes this a priority.

Anyway, happy Fathers Day, Mr. Derby. Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed!! Happy Father's Day to all Dads...... especially to those who take pride & responsibility in their awesome position!! That of shaping a Nation!!

God Bless You All💖

Anonymous said...

It really needs fixing happy father s day Mr Derby😁

Anonymous said...

Happy Fathers Day Vernon. Nuff Blessings to you.

Micspen said...

Happy Father's Day my dear brother.
That light post malady is national.

At one time they considered replacing them with concrete posts were considered a Hazzard :

(1) If they fell down unlike the wooden ones the wires cannot hold them up so would fall on and could destroy buildings and or maim people. people,vehicles and more devastating

(2) In the event of vehicles crashing into the concrete poles th poles would stand firm as vehicles are destroyed while persons are injured or killed.
With the wooden posts you have a chance.

The above considerations could apply in a more humane society but I am almost sure thise considerations will be forgotten and a new call for concrete posts.

There was also consideration of running the wires underground like in many countries.The poos and cons will have to be considered considering safety.

As a matter of fact electricity thieves have been using this method for decades without many known adverse effects or deaths.
In a way therefore,anauthorized testing shows that it is feasible costveffective and safe

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