Showing posts with label JLP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JLP. Show all posts

Sunday 15 August 2021

Breaking News - Speaker Of The House Charged By Police

Marisa Dalrymple-Philibert
I have received a report that the Speaker of the House, Marisa Dalrymple-Philibert was charged for placing some boxes in an area where this is not allowed. 

According to the source, The Speaker of The House put some boxes in an area where there was garbage, and where the NSWMA normally collects garbage from. When cautioned by the officer, it is said that Mrs. Dalrymple-Philibert apologized to the officer and explained that she was not aware that garbage was not to go there. She subsequently removed the boxes from the area.

I understand that she was detained at the Runaway Police Station for approximately three hours. She will will face the charges in the court.

There was an incident between a Minister and a police officer recently in St. Catherine, and I suggested then that we need to have a protocol for dealing with officials of the state who come into conflict with the law. No one is above the law but we cannot allow officials of the state to be arrested like that. It is possible that one of these days we could hear that a number of Cabinet members have been arrested and the business of the state has to come to an halt.

I am suggesting that where a member of parliament, a member of the senate or even a judge commits certain offences then we should use the ticketing system to charge them. If it is a very serious offence, then application should be made to the Governor General for example for that person to be suspended from public office until the matter is dealt with. Under no condition should members of the security forces have the right to arrest leaders of the state like that. One of these days someone is going to lock up the Prime Minister for breaking the law and that could put the country in a very awkward situation.

Contrary to information being circulated via social media, the Speaker is not in lock-up at this time. I understand that it was an humiliating experience for the Speaker to be detained by the police for over three hours at the police station. She was thoroughly interrogated I have been informed.

#JamaicaConstabularyForce #Jamaica #Politician

Friday 21 August 2020

Elections Around The Corner - Evan Dixon

Evan Dixon, MA
Don’t Be an Easy Vote

The Jamaican General Election is fast approaching, and I thought it an appropriate time to share some of my musings about Jamaican politics as I understand it. The election is slated for September 3, and campaigning, unsurprisingly, has gone on with seemingly little regard for ‘Aunty Rona’. Now consider for a moment the last time you have seen or even heard the name of your elected Member of Parliament. Should you find yourself struggling to remember, but have ultimately come to realize that it was a couple years ago around this time, we have a problem.

 If you were a woman being courted by a man that never made any effort to see you, made promises on which he rarely delivers, but shows up every four years to sweep you off your feet, only to vanish once you’ve pledged your allegiance to him, what would you do? Would you continue to remain loyal to him, or hunt him down and threaten to flatten all four of his tires if he doesn’t treat you better? If your answer is the former, then congratulations you are an invaluable member of the Jamaican electorate. 

I’m sure many of us will fuss and decry the actions of our policymakers, for ignoring the unprecedented circumstances in which we find ourselves, but ultimately that anger and frustration will be replaced by a newer, and shinier thing to get red in the face about. We always look for the next thing to criticize and the next person to blame. I often wonder if it is the very nature of people to ascribe blame to anyone except the man in the mirror. Politicians are by no means on Santa’s good list (most of them anyway), but we too deserve some coal in our stockings.    

The Man in the Mirror 

Whenever a society decides to democratically elect people into positions of power, there is a social exchange that occurs between the public, and the public figures. In exchange for elevated status, access to resources, and discretion on how those resources are used, the public receives the right hold those in power accountable for their actions. Truthfully, as a society we haven’t done a very good job of this, and we are paying the price. The violence and corruption that has plagued Jamaican politics, is evidence of the just how blind we are to our responsibilities. 

The division of the public makes it easier for those in power to place their interests ahead of our own. Whatever our differences, the thing we all have in common, is a desire to live a life that is better than the one we live now. I am not certain when it happened, but somehow, the self-interests of those elected have become more important than the collective interests of the country’s people. We bear some of the responsibility for our own reality, because we have not exercised an attention span long enough to see to it that politicians are doing their due diligence. We underestimated the egos of our elected officials, and have not been active participants in our own rescue. We democratically elect officials to help give us the best possible opportunity to afford a decent life. However, no one should ever be comfortable leaving their livelihood entirely in the hands of individuals who make a career out of promising a cake, and delivering the crumbs.  

Powerful not Powerless

Now that I've scolded you, like a good parent disciplining a child, I will provide you with some encouragement. We absolutely have the power to improve our way of life. Jamaicans are known to the rest of the world to be small in stature, but large in heart. We are a traditionally noisy people, a people that demand to be heard, and a people that will never be kept silent. Our leaders must acknowledge our contribution, and they must listen to what we have to say, for their will should be the will of the people. 

The election is not a stage for the egos of our elected officials to be put on display. The election is the stage where Jamaicans, in no uncertain terms, exercise our power to affect real change. Regardless of party, we should always put the people best fit to lead in positions of power, and we can only do that if we’re informed. Knowledge is power and power is only useful in the hands of the responsible. We should all take the initiative, and try to learn just who we will be entrusting with our livelihood for the next four years. Different though we may be, we are united in wanting better for our country. 

Out of Many One People

Humanity’s greatest bit of irony is that the differences we use as an excuse to start wars, discriminate, and marginalize, are the crowned jewels of human existence. Without differences humans do not evolve, change, grow, or learn, and it is unfortunate that today we live in a world where differences have been vilified, and people different from us have been characterized as enemies. The wise and virtuous person in today’s society seems to be the one that follows the herd, and rejects the differences of those around him. ‘Difference’ is an undeniable truth and if we are to thrive and create a better Jamaica , then we must find a way to appreciate differences instead of shaming them. 

Note: Evan Dixon is a graduate of the Barry University in the USA. He has a MA of Arts in Communications. He was a recent guest on my radio programme 'At Your Service'. I was very impressed with his communications skills and I  therefore invited him to submit an article for my blog.

Please let me have your feedback on this article by emailing me at

Visit The Artistes For Change channel and Vernon Derby's FaceBook Page.

Saturday 25 May 2019

Thanks for Your Support for The Workers on Labour Day - Vernon Derby, Consumer/ Citizen Advocate

Many of you have been following my campaign for us to 'Put The Workers Back In The Centre Of Labour Day'. Many of us are just aware of the theme, 'Put Work Into Labour Day' and not the real reason for the Labour Day celebrations. This change came about when former Prime Minister Micheal Manley decided to make this change some years ago. While giving voluntary work on labout day is a laudable thing, we cannot afford not to know our history and for us to understand and know the history of Labour Day. Some of you might have seen my letter to the Editor which was publised in the Gleaner about this matter.

Labour Day was a day set aside for us to celebrate the achievements of the workers. The irony is that while we celebrate these achievements many workers are losing their rights which have been fought for by past leaders such as Sir Alexander Bustamantee, Sir William Grant, Aggie Bernard and others.

Steve Lyston in the Jamaica Gleaner under the headline, "The Real Meaning Of Labour Day".said a bit about the history of Labour Day although I belive he could have said more about the history and real meaning of Labour Day. 

We hear of contract workers such as security guards who work under such conditions which reminds us of the period prior to 1938.Many are not even getting minimum wage I understand. I hear stories of security guards working up to seventy hours each week. We definitely need to put back the workers at the centre of Labour Day and we need to change how we threat some of our workers. 

Vincent Morrison and John Levy from the Union of Technical and Supervisory Employees (UCASE) appeared on a special Labour Day show which I hosted on Nationwide Radio on Labour Day. between 1 pm and 2 pm. After the one hour special Labour Day Show, I went on to contribute my service on Labour Day by giving two hours on air which was dedicated to the workers of this country.. 

Matters discussed on the special Labour Day show formed part of the major news on Nationwide Radio on Friday, May 25. Since then Mr. Levy has been on CVM TV exposing the plight of the contract workers. Recently Danny Roberts head of the Hugh Lawson Shearer Trade Union Institute spoke to this issue which was reported in the Gleaner.

I started this lobby for us to recognize the plight of many workers and specifically so called contract workers after getting a number of complaints. I sent out thousands of messages to my friends, union leader and political leaders. I also spoke to a few person in the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions and other labour related organizations..

The Jamaica Confederation of Trade Union had planned to have a radio broadcast to communicate with the Jamaican people about the plight of workers at this time but they were unable to go ahead with their plan. UCASE which is not a member of the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions decided to sponsor the broadcast on Labour Day.

I must thank the news media, the leadership of the trade unions and my supporters for giving this initiative such a strong support. Due to the support given, many Jamaicans were learning for the first time what is the true meaning of Labour Day. Many became aware also of the events of 1938 which resulted in many changes at the workplace in this country and also about the development of our trade unions and our political parties.

Other information on Labour Day::

Sunday 14 August 2016

JPSCo Owed a Whopping JAD4 Billion for Street Lighting!!!

Kelly Tomlin - CEO JPSCo
Last week KSAC councillors complained about the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPSCo) not repairing street lights. Councillors called for an audit to see how many bulbs where not working.

The shocking news out now is that the JPSCo is owed approximately JAD4 billion for street lighting. The figure could be much higher if penalties and interest charges are added.

JPSCo has reported that it has fixed 12,000 street lights since the beginning of the a cost of JAD140 million.

It's seems unusual that the KSAC, other parish councils and the government have been in discussions about this matter as the JPSCo claims, yet some KSAC coucillors were blasting the JPSCo for not doing a good job of repairing street lights.

JPSCo noted that it is also facing the challenge of persons damaging it's street lights when the make illegal conections to the street lights. The JPSCo release mentioned this happening in Maxfied Avenue.

It will be interesting to hear the response from the KSAC and other councillors across the island. It would also be interesting to find out how much is owed to the JPSCo by government departments. My understanding is that the debt goes back for quite a number of years.

Saturday 16 July 2016


Why The Monster Continues To Grow?

You are a thinking person "values" are things that people value. Money, girls, nice cars ,big house, nice clothes, rich man, legal guns, nothing is wrong with that but if there is no opportunity legally to achieve those in Western Jamaica where the rural economy on which I grew up has virtually died while the Kingston quasi colonial government send reinforcements to quell disturbances and nothing else. The attitudes in line with modern free enterprise values are not being identical to 50 years ago thus neither understood or being prepared for spells trouble. Montego tumbled up around sugar plantations, and then came tourism, then the introduction to ganja cultivation and exports with the cocaine rider later so the government responds to the "drug problem" ignoring all the other socio-economic problems that gave rise to the resultant problem. Here we go again despicable scamming is the problem and you get rid of that now without the causative situations looked at my guess is as good as yours what will be the next frontier.

Just talking for sound bites about values and attitudes is not only intellectually deceitful or i would prefer to believe it is borne out of ignorance they could may as well call upon the well utilized refrain "divine intervention" but do not remember that God helps those who help themselves. Everybody including scammers, drug dealers, government, robot operators, school children, police and regular gunmen do. Some not leaving their bibles and ask God for assistance every step of their way. Herbert Gayle, an anthropologist of social violence at Jamaica’s University of the West Indies, Mona, said in January 2016 that authorities have not addressed the root cause of violence in Jamaica, so it was only a matter of time before killings ticked upward. No one is paying attention and we are reaping the whirlwind of murders. Poverty, inequality, greed, relative deprivation, unemployment, lack of primary education, state violence, corruption and disregarding the rule of even basic laws have been identified as some of the main drivers of criminality which must be consistently focused on.14/07/16

The Security Forces And Crime

Rear Admiral Hardley Lewin says the police high command must be mindful that elements within the security forces may be contributing to the crime surge. Mr Lewin must have known that this has been an open secret from the early days. Do you recall police men were being shot regularly in Montego Bay and environs? The allegations are that police used to raid known scammers and let us say they are caught with $550000 they would take the $500000 do no arrests and leave them with $50000. Many have allegedly gotten quite wealthy .The scammer would see that state of affairs as cop stealing from them and organize deadly retribution. It’s like every major drug dealer or Don allegedly has cops on their payroll some high ranking as low ranking cops are not as useful these too are open secrets that every commissioner and most Jamaicans are aware of but you know "a di runnings an man haffi eat a food so you lef dat alone".

You think any low ranking police or civilian can stop that? Madden, Sam Isaacs or other funeral homes pick them up poisoned (remember SSP Dayton Henry during 2013while in charge of the Clarendon police the jury found that he was “systematically” poisoned. To date no one has been charged) or the aftermath of an alleged shoot out. Mr Lewin and other Commissioners past and present must have been aware of the information out there on the road but I concede that no one is ever willing to assist in any prosecution because the reality is that everyman wants to live at the end of the day. 14/07/16

Speech by Mrs. Dorrett Campbell at the Rita Marley Foundation Essay Competition Presentation

Mrs. Dorrette Campbell

It is a pleasure to be associated with this, the Third Annual Rita Marley Foundation Essay Competition Awards Presentation Ceremony.

I bring you greetings from the Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Honourable Ruel Reid, who is currently overseas on the Ministry’s business and could not be here today.

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information welcomes the continued partnership with the Rita Marley Foundation and its sponsors, particularly the Heart Institute of the Caribbean  which is the main sponsor of this competition.

I admire, approve and applaud your long term goal of eradicating poverty and hunger in specific selected communities using as its tools: empowerment of those communities through the creation of economic investments, improvement of education opportunities and the development of knowledge and proper practice in nutrition and health care.  This goal resonates so much with the goals of education that it is an imperative for us to sustain this partnership in all the ways we possibly can.

 [You know, ladies and gentlemen: we get a lot of things right in Jamaica through collaboration and partnerships. If we could just learn how to work together to build the kind of partnership that guarantees the safety and protection of our children – the kind of community partnership that erects walls of protection against the diabolic, hollow, heartless onslaught of bloody murderers of innocence - If we could just get that right, then that would be what’s right with Jamaica.]

I am especially proud of the schools and students who have participated in this competition and I commend all of you as winners this afternoon. You may not earn the coveted prize of first place but I know that your essay would have been at very high standard to have been considered in a competition that places a high premium on creativity, quality and excellence.

Not only that, but you benefited from honing your writing and communication skills, as is one of the objectives of the competition.  The results and outcomes from our national and external exams tell us that our language capacity is less than excellent; but this lack of excellence in language skills is not reflected or even measured by external exams only. It is painfully obvious in our daily interaction and communication with each other and cuts across all echelons of the society.

In fact I chuckle when I hear some blaming the Jamaican Creole for our inability or rather failure to master the standard English, because the good speaker of languages, particularly the English Language, is the one who is able to flow seamlessly and effortlessly on the language continuum – comfortably mastering and manipulating the Creole and comfortable with what it represents, yet firmly grasping the rudiments of the English Grammar [I am not talking about speaking nicely – the painful truth is that many of us who decry the Creole are neither good speakers of the Creole nor good speakers on the English Language. And I am not hurling stones at anyone; I am merely making an observation].

But that aside: I am absolutely sure that my teachers played a coaching role in the students’ final entries and I would like to recognise and thank them for their continued selfless service to this country. You are a major part of the landscape of national development; not only in the subjects – I prefer to call them disciplines - you teach but your commitment to ensuring that our students get their culture through the many co-curricular and cultural activities you lead in your schools. [… er and I don’t see that in your job description… and perhaps in the next round of negotiations, you should ask for an allowance for that as well…]

But you and I know that is what every called teacher does and what every teacher is called to do  – to harness the rich experiences of our students and channel them in such a way to helping them become ideal Jamaican citizens.

 Ladies and Gentlemen: Please help me applaud students and teachers of Papine High School; York Castle High; Wolmers High School for Boys; Wolmers High School for Girls; and William Knibb Memorial High School.

The Rita Marley Foundation is a front runner in promoting positive values and attitudes in this country through initiatives such as this annual Essay Competition. And what better organisation to do so, than one that has bragging rights for supporting the development of and propounding our culture across the globe.

One of the aims of this essay competition is to spread positive messages about the impact of Bob Marley’s music on the youth, Jamaica and the world.  In observing all that is taking place around us today, God knows we need the positive vibes and messages.

And if we are pessimists, we would conclude, like the late outstanding Guyanese poet, Martin Carter that:

    This is the dark time, my love,
    It is the season of oppression, dark metal, and tears.
    It is the festival of guns, the carnival of misery
    Everywhere the faces of men are strained and anxious

Or like Richie Spice’s: earth a run red, ten year old a look dem owna bread; I hear a next yute dead, for that’s part of our reality too.

It is true that at the forefront of our consciousness is a world in turmoil and chaos, where efforts to make peace often end up in war and attempts to reduce poverty frequently produce dislocation and pain. We watch the “strained and anxious faces” of our people as we continue to experience what the late former Prime Minister of Jamaica, Michael Manley, expressed as our “struggle in the periphery”. We note the “carnival of misery” being experienced by some people and we must respond to their call to improve the conditions of their lives.

But I prefer the optimist’s perspective: It says, ‘the cup is half-full…’ and in the abundance of water the fool is thirsty: And why do I say this? Instead of lamenting what we are not and what we don’t have, what we ought to have and ought not to do; we ought to build on what we have and seize the opportunities that exist. It was the Governor General the most Honourable Patrick Allen who said, there is nothing wrong with Jamaica that cannot be fixed by what’s right with Jamaica.

We just need the right kind of wisdom in the right kind of leadership in the right kind of organisations to ‘run things;’ and it is this appreciative inquiry perspective that the Rita Marley Foundation has worked tirelessly to uphold.

This essay competition therefore serves to remind us that our dark time is really a sliver of our reality – a subculture that threatens to subsume the positive culture, if we continue to accept the former as the norm. We cannot allow the noise of the negatives to drone out the bigger and more sustainable point that there is still good in Jamaica and that there are still those like the Rita Marley Foundation; like our teachers; like our essayists, who work daily to promote wholesome values and attitudes through their creative talents.

One of the most fundamental constructs of culture resides in the concept of “identity”. This relates to how we see ourselves, and the values we place on our lives, our environment and our realities, and on each other. Hence, there is a direct correlation between cultural identity and the values and attitudes that we display.

I believe our artistes, who are proponents of our culture must see as an imperative the need to give our young people a positive mirror in which to see themselves and the people with whom they interact. I posit that Marley Music does exactly that.

By using lyrics from Marley Music as the theme for the essay, the Rita Marley Foundation is constantly holding up to our young people and to the rest of Jamaica another alternative – a better alternative – another mirror through which they can see themselves instead of what they see in the distorted looking glass of lewd, violent and crass lyrics that are peddled on a daily basis in all our spaces.

In Marley music our young people see strong caring yet resilient families communities and who bend sometimes under the pressure of extenuating circumstances, but with sheer will they pick up themselves knowing that their feet – their will to live is sometimes their only carriage so they have got to ‘push on through.’

In Marley Music our young people will find positive ways of asserting themselves, advocating for their rights, pursuing their goals relentlessly without having to step on anyone’s neck to do so, for he tells us to get up and stand up for our rights; he tells us to wake up and live; to flee from hate, mischief and jealousy that invariably result in crass and violent behaviour; lotto scamming …and St James.

In Marley Music our young people are encouraged not to lose focus in spite the difficulties in spite of the craziness around us; not to let go of your dreams but to work hard to translate those dreams into positive actions: For Marley music tells them, Don't bury your thoughts; put your vision to reality, rise up from sleepless slumber; wake up and live.

In Marley Music, our children are taught to appreciate their indigenous culture and to appreciate and accept themselves the way the creator has made them – yes natural locs and all – and to use the talents they have to make something of themselves to help themselves to eat a bread: Children get your culture and don’t stay there and gesture; for the battle will be harder and you won’t get no supper

The music helps to build self-esteem and self-confidence and to encourage our youth to cultivate independent thought because ‘you have got a mind of your own…and we really shouldn’t mek nobody fool you or even try to school you…

And yes the music sermonises and shows us a better way to live among each other, to love ourselves and love our brother man, forgetting the bitterness the jealousy and the hate and just get together in one love and feel alright.

Marley Music teaches us to be reasoned and reasonable in our dealings with others; to be respectful, honest, truthful and to accept responsibility for our actions [so if you shot the sheriff, own up to it and accept the consequences of your action].

And ladies and gentlemen: these are the values that our school system is trying to teach our students; these are the soft skills that we would like them to have before we unleash them to society.

There are so much values and attitudes promoted in his music and so many lessons from which our students can learn that I have got to thinking that in the same way we teach Martin Carter and other Caribbean poets in our schools as an integral part of our curriculum; in the same way we now have a whole department at the UWI focusing on Reggae Studies,  we really should explore the possibility of formalising Marley Lyrics as poetry in our Caribbean Literature courses both at the secondary and tertiary institutions and lobby for CXC to include those lyrics in the syllabi of CSEC and CAPE. Now this is not Minister’s or my Ministry’s position as yet but this is something that I would like to work with people like Dr Hope and the Rita Marley Foundation to explore and propose to my Ministry.

I have to say this: I grew up on Shakespeare and Bob Marley. I got a steady diet of the former from my high school teachers, through college right up to the University and my grandfather concertedly countered Shakespeare with Marley lyrics. He used to tell me that there was nothing Shakespeare said that Marley didn’t say in his lyrics and said it more profoundly and simply, “and after all him is we own.”

My grandfather advised me that I didn’t need to retort with crass words in any conflict, I should just quote Marley and argument done; I didn’t need to reach for a Shakespearean quote to express how I might be feeling about a situation or to make a commentary about life, I could just draw for the poetry of Bob Marley. And he was right and at a critical juncture of my life I was toying with the idea of explore for my thesis a comparative analysis of Marley and Shakespeare as two timeless poet who had a firm grasp on the varies and vicissitudes of life: Marley and Shakespeare, they hab a word fi ebrybody.

Can I therefore, ask our young people present here today to choose to consume what is wholesome and positive and empowering over what is lewd and crass and violent?

You have the power of choice and you have the alternative, choose to listen to clean conscious music that can inspire you, build you up and not to thwart your sense of self and distort your value system.

Once again, thanks to the Foundation; Thanks to Dr Marley; thanks to Bob Marley for working so hard to help make Jamaica the place to live, grow, do business, raise families and yes… retire.

Sunday 17 April 2016

Fi Wi Concerns 20160418 - Michael Spence


According to news reports Jamaicans could see an increase in general consumption tax (GCT) and or be required to pay taxes on items now zero rated as the Andrew Holness administration projects to collect $16 billion more in GCT for the new financial year. Regarding the General Consumption Tax (GCT) now at 16.5 %, I hope will be lowered to a round figure like 10% easy to calculate then put it on all things in sight exempting only books just to keep education and that dying industry alive. If there is concern about the politics of poverty and love for the poor just sell the idea as a partner plan where every citizen should contribute to this partner and you get your draw when your child goes to school, when you call the police, when you drive or walk on the road or when you access any services is provided by from your GCT and other tax dollar. I guarantee you would collect more GCT due to increased buying, selling and production. As a matter of common sense dictates that every cent of that tax forgone from that $1.5 million threshold would be back in government coffers faster than you can think because more money in circulation mean more GCT everybody happy. I would like to hear from an actuary or actuaries out there to provide some kind of enlightenment us on this matter. We do not need to hear any more arguments from partisan people or book bright Tax and Borrow Economists.15/04/16

Slow Learners

There are persons in the society who want Government to put an end to streaming, a process wherein students are placed in a class based on their 'presumed' capabilities. Slow learners in a class tend to slow down the progress of fast learners and make life harder for a teacher to accomplish the relevant curricula, so what do you do? Put speed bumps on the highway to slow down the faster cars so that the slow cars look like they are up to par? No, you fix up the slow cars that they can keep up with the pace. In the case of students if they are streamed special arrangements can be made with special teachers who would target the challenges fix that then when they are up to par transferred appropriately.15/04/16

Those Murders

Last year 2015 the number of murders recorded by the police stood at 1,207, which was 202, more than the 1,005 reported the previous year. What is the figure for those missing because criminals are very creative getting rid of bodies without a trace. For example are the St Ann’s Bay police still trying to locate a family of four who went missing since November 2015 after their house was destroyed by fire? Fifty-seven-year-old Joseph Lynch, 43-year-old Lascelle Lynch, 50-year-old Ruth Lawrence, and seven-year-old Rimeka Haynes, all of Authurs Mount, Lime Hall, St Ann. recommend that the numbers of missing annually must be published alongside the murder figures to give a more holistic view.14/04/16

It’s a long time the tables have not turned where it is the criminal/duppy running and hiding even in a church perhaps looking for Divine intervention. The intensity must be sustained where decent people are not running, hiding, traumatized and cowering in fear. We must stop pet and powder criminals in Jamaica we must bring them in or bring them down from Morant point to Negril point.14/04/16

Mr. Bunting? 

Did Former National Security Minister Peter Bunting exceed his authority when he issued a certificate in January this year that shielded members of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) from prosecution for the use of mortars in Tivoli during the May 2010 operation.  Is this form of demonstrating government against justice, the people and the constitution? What a pity as he hopes to be Prime Minister one day the top man is that an example of top behaviour? Well Mr.  Do you recall the second state of emergency in Jamaica's history June 20,1976 to end of February 1977 or Green Bay atrocities in January 1978 where 10 men promised jobs were lured to that area of Helshire 5 of them shot dead by our/their own Jamaica Defence Force soldiers. It is possible that some of those architects are even revered today. Could it be that what Mr. Bunting has done is mild in comparison and is on his way to be revered one day? 13/04/16

That Coconut Oil 

Amazing isn’t it? The once vilified COCONUT OIL is now taking centre stage in helping with Alzheimer's disease also called brain diabetes, dementia and general improvement in brain function. Guess what there is now difficulty getting adequate supplies of coconut oil at a reasonable price and it could get worse as global demand increases. I stick with boiled oil as this is the old tradition don't know what the scientists are saying about that one. COCONUT OIL has a specific smell but I notice some in retail establishments have no smell for me that's not it. Check IT. 12/04/16

I sympathize with both sides of this story and needs immediate intervention as the environment and the law has to be taken seriously. In all of this though it is Jamaica that is suffering in all of this losing and have lost millions of hard currency and if we recall that society is a whole individuals ,families, communities and the attendant problems that arise like crime and other social ills. Therein lay the problems. 09/04/16

King Sugar Dethroned?

One challenge in saving King Sugar from being totally dethroned is that most drinks, ice cream, pharmaceuticals and pastry on the market use sweeteners to keep down prices so we consume them unknowingly. Let us say therefore we do not knowingly consume artificial sweeteners and what the package says I know does not lie in many cases that sugar added but many use a blend. The ones that are very clear are the very sweet items that say "no sugar added" they may as well say "artificial sweeteners added" but that would not be creative marketing. To save oneself a little self help is good make your own daily drinks from in season fruits /vegetables and travel with them in a small cooler save money and save your health.09/04/16

Michael Spence 


Saturday 2 January 2016

Support Vernon Derby To Support The People

Satisfying Year Helping Others

Last year was another year that I was able to use my time and talent to assist others. In helping others I found out that I was helping myself also. I have my own problems but when I see the other problems others are facing I gave thanks my small ones. I used the social pages, radio and other media to help many who are having challenges. Sometimes I wonder how much more I could have achieved if I had funding and the support of more persons. One supporter has suggested that I set up a Foundation which could assist to cover the cost of helping others.

Over 5000 Emails and Text Messages Last Year

In 2015, approximately 5000 text messages, emails, and numerous calls were dealt with in helping others. The messages kept coming even during the Christmas holidays.
During an outside broadcast with my producer Antoinette Shakespeare-Dubidad.

Organizations Benefited

Many organizations worked with me to deal with some dificult challenges that they were facing. I also assisted them in achieving some of their objectives.

Lady Prevented From Committing Suicide

There are numerous others things that I have been able to deal with such as assisting to organize persons to get their roads fixed, getting broken NWC mains fixed, getting street lights replaced and making contact with MPs to have them give us information about the challenges in their constituencies.

One lady told me that because of something that I highighted,, she had her busband check with the doctor and that action probably saved his life. I can't forget that lady who text me and told me that she was feeling depressed and that she was about to commit suicide. With the help of the police and persons from Bellview that suicide was prevented.
Guest Speaker at a Lions Club meeting.

Helping Workers

I have been able to assist workers who were having challenges with management and I believe that my intervention helped to prevent unrest at these work places.


There are the sad stories of for example, the child who was constantly being bullied at school and his problems being ignored by the teachers and administration at the school. I worked hard to get him transfered to another school and he is now doing better.

The Influence Is Growing

One person said to me that she threated a business man that she was going to report a matter to me and the business man had the matter resolved immediately.

We really need to have a powerful organization which can stand up and defend citizens and consumers. My supporters have suggested that now is the time that form that organization. Your help and support will be needed.

I also felt honoured when I was asked by Cabinet Office to act as a Judge for the Public Sector Customer Service Competition last year.

I Need Your Continued Support

You can give your support by inviting at least twenty of your friends to like my PAGE and also to join my group of supporters by clicking on SUPPORTERS.

All the best for 2016. I love you all. Walk Gook.

With Kelly Tomlin before heading to Goat Islant

With International Singer and former member of the backing group for Bob Marley , Marcia Griffits

American Ambassor Moreno.

Michael Penix on the left and Chief US Consular Officer Mike Shimmel on the right.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Tattered State.....Of Affairs? - Vernon Derby

Is The Jamaican Economy in Serious Trouble?

Is the #Jamaican  #economy in more serious trouble than we are aware of? Unconfirmed reports are that reagents are not available for the processing blood and medical equipment in some hospitals are sitting there waiting to be serviced.  Mrs. Jean Anderson-Seaga called the programme this week stating that she was unable to get blood for her husband who was on dying. That audit report of the public health sector could shred some light on this.

Free Education?

Education is free but principals are charging auxillary fees and the Education Minister is saying do not refuse to admit students who are unable to pay these fees.

Paying Our Bills

Recently, another major government institution was not able to offer certain services because insiders said that providers of services to that institution were demanding that outstanding bills be paid. Reports are that utility bills are outstanding and pension payments are being be made late. Can you imagine if the JPS was allowed to charge the government interest on outstanding bills.

General Elections

It's clear that funds are not even there for the next election campaign. I believe that there will be no massive street meetings and no excessive media campaign. No more Olint and no more Cash Plus???


I am getting calls from persons who feel like committing suicide because they are not coping. Why even the police are getting involved in crime? Quite a number of persons are living on our streets. These are serious signs which cannot be ignored.

Waste Not!

It means therefore that we cannot waste what we have because tougher days could be ahead. Remember that, willful waste make woeful wants.

Thursday 28 May 2015

FI WI CONCERNS - Michael Spence

Passport Fiasco

The Passport Immigration and citizenship Agency (PICA) recently announced an increase in the price of a Jamaican Passport from$4500 to $6500 has resulted in arguments and counter arguments from many quarters ranging from reasonable to unreasonable and unconscionable and wicked has prompted many questions. Such as why  such a steep increase for a small book the price of which in any bookstore would not be more than $300 Jamaican dollars while a thick Oxford Pocket Dictionary has not yet reached $2000 dollars containing thousands of prints and also couldn’t the increase be a phased one to eliminate the shock and awe from such increases?

PICA the distributors/sellers of the Jamaican/ CARICOM passport would do well to answer the following questions publicly which may well justify the pricing:
Where are our passports manufactured and or printed, designed in part or whole local and or overseas?

Is the Jamaican passport a most reliable secure and trusted document that cannot be duplicated, copied hacked or cloned whether opened or closed or is it just an unjustifiably expensive little book with one’s name?

Is the document issued unique to that person and what are the features that make it so for example does it have a unique chip or chips embedded within containing one’s details that require special keys/code to access this information and who has it?
What level of security, responsibility is there regarding transport, storage/safekeeping of security features?

What would be the process for a Jamaican citizen requesting a Jamaican passport meaning marked only Jamaica not CARICOM and would the cost of production be less than Jamaican $6500.
Have there been an audit and an assessment of the aims, objectives role and functions of PICA since it has been operating.

May I suggest that elaborative, transparent and demonstrative answers to these questions by PICA may well be able to justify to the citizenry present increases now being questioned by many? PICA should demonstrate why such a high cost for this essential little Jamaican book the passport also a book of hope and progress.28/05/15

Windsor Heights – St. Catherine

Occupiers of 1,250 lots in Windsor Heights, St Catherine, now face eviction from the properties many of them have called home for years. The property, which is owned by the ministry of Transport, Works and Housing, is approximately 280 acres comprising of approximately 1,500 lots. Give the people the land all of which is crown/capture land all around to the descendants of slaves making up the 60% squatter population. In the same way that the Chinese can get more than 1200 acres of land why Jamaicans cannot get 280 acres? Or at worst make their payments be reasonable property taxes on the said lands for the period of occupation. Jamaicans must not buy into the oppressive ideas that all governments try to sell us and keep us down to the benefit of others.25/05/15


Michael Spence

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Mining In The Cockpit Country???

Montague Calls for Transparency in The Cockpit Country Mining Issue
Senator Robert Montague, Shadow Minister on Mining and Energy, says that he is calling for full disclosure on issues surrounding the cockpit country mining issue.

JLP Shadow Minister Montague is expressing concern with regards to allegations of mining in the protected Cockpit Country Area.
Senator Montague stated “The response of the Government so far is weak and inconclusive. These allegations have revealed that there are major issues in mining to be resolved.”

In release today the Senator says that the issues at hand are:
·         The Cockpit Country is a protected area,
·         It is where 40% of Jamaica’s water comes from,
·         It is home to many protected species of plants and animals.
Government Promise Broken?
He went on to say that the government had given a firm undertaking not to allow mining in the area. He also said that the government must accept the traditional boundaries of the Cockpit Country and take all necessary steps to prevent mining and associated activities.

Senator Montaque says that:
  • He is calling on the government, to make public any agreement, permit or licenses it has with Noranda Jamaica Bauxite Partnership (NJBP), with regards to permission for mining.
  • The Opposition also want NEPA and the Mining and Geology department to have a permanent monitoring presence in this sensitive and protected area.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Taxation - David Trottman

This is the usual modus-operandi for the tax them to death “blood out of stone” PNP Government.  Like GCT this tax approach is flawed.  Kill the “sitting ducks” and forget the rest.  However, unlike GCT this tax will not have to be absorbed as an input cost but as PwC pointed out will have serious cash flow consequences for the service providers. 
By way of illustration, consider the GCT business environment as a huge tree with a trunk, several major branches and a vast expanse of minor branches and foliage out to its extremities.  The way GCT is supposed to work, it is the “foliage” (end-consumer) that should ultimately be left hugging-up the GCT.  However, because the GCT system is an “open loop” and there is no way to audit out to the extremities, the folk in the trunk and big branches (manufacturers; major distributors and similar value-adding elements) become sitting ducks for the tax them to death PNP Government.  Although GCT in many cases is unrecoverable, and has to be treated as an input cost by the productive sector, make no mistake, the end-consumer ultimately still bears the cost in higher prices; the country however suffers in terms of competitiveness in a global economy.
The real news with GCT is that the “open loop flaw” and the “law of diminishing returns” combine to limit its usefulness to squeeze additional blood out of that stone, hence the desperation to find a few more sitting ducks like the motorists, property owners, JPS and telecoms customers and financial services providers with this ill advised thin edge of the wedge withholding tax.

The gas tax and other burdens on the transport sector have already forced personal mobility to the “survival trip rate” with damaging consequences for the economy.  Is anybody tracking transport demand which is a “leading indicator” for where an economy is heading.  Ka-BOOM Nicodemus!!!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Michael Spence Speaks Out!!!

By Michael Spence

Teefing is Part of Endemic Culture?

Really fraud or only alleged fraud at the Accountant General’s office where if you go there in the flesh with all the verification they insist on having your "death certificate" in order to pay the little pension to the old suffering pensioner.Dem tight dung deh so till a di last place I would believe a big thieving a gwaan and I bet is years it a gwaan nuff people eat good food dung deh. They must be locked up till dem produce dem death certificate. On the other hand it seems everybody a teef so what is it part of the endemic culture so "a nuh nutten'.My advice though do not steal as prison life nuh nice  ask Ninjaman or Jah cure and mi nuh know how Kartel a gwaan? phone him tell him fi buss a tune mek wi hear what a gwaan.28/10/14


Why not women need to decide on their own destiny if this was a real cooperative society where all children and pregnancies belong to everyone of us then abortion would be almost unnecessary. This society has become even more individualistic by the passing hour so preventing people from doing things in their best interest via laws only wastes time and create criminals out of people unnecessarily. Section 72 of the Offences Against the Person Act saying anyone found guilty of having or facilitating an abortion could be sentenced to life in prison, with or without hard labour. In this day and age a law like this in is ridiculous and going nowhere it is time indeed to legalize abortion as it is happening all over the place underground and over ground.28/10/14

Everybody knows that boards reflect party in power and so do principals in many cases.Dr Omeally-Nelson what is your solution to this an embedded situation,it couldn't only be to sensitize MPs on the issue as they already know they have been fostering it for decades so why change now is there a compelling reason ?27/10/14

Dealing With IMF Barbados Style

Finance and Economic Minister Chris Sinckler of Barbados is right they can if they have the discipline to do the things needed to be done without an IMF big stick. Jamaica could do the same but it is obvious we lack discipline and engage in "run wid it" economics that puts politics over sensible economics. I hope Barbados succeeds and demonstrate what self discipline can achieve.27/10/14

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