Monday 18 April 2022

Possible Nightmare To Drive on our Roads This Afternoon and later Tonight

The big holiday weekend is coming to an end. I will be an unforgettable weekend. Persons have responded as expected this weekend, with wild abandon after the lifting of the covid-19 restrictions. Persons have been  flocking to the parties and to the beaches. Persons are now behaving as if Covid-19 is now dead and buried and we are now participating in the nine-night event. Liquor is flowing, the music is good and the coming together is mind blowing after months of lock down.

The highways have become car parks in the nights  and many have ended up carless due to the accidents on the roads. Those who are from Kingston,  and who are now enjoying the time of the lives in rural Jamaica, should try to head out early to beat what I expect to be bumper to bumper traffic on the highways. This is one time when if you are thinking of speeding remember that haste makes waste and wen trouble a come, shell naw blow.

Many offices will be missing some of their staff tomorrow morning. It probably will not be wise to go to any office tomorrow to do business.  

The video below which was sent to me, shows you a number of cars which were damaged during an accident involving  a number of vehicles last night. You should not watch this video if you will be offended by the popular Jamaican curse words heard in the video off. 

Accident on The Edward Seaga Highway close to Mandella Highway.


It is very important that you share this blog with your friends who will be coming into Kingston from rural Jamaica later.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Which reminds me of destruction of the then world by the food in the book of Genesis, while Noah build the ark and warn of coming destruction people went about their business as usual, same happening here covid, the war in ukraine, are all mention in matt 24 as a part of " Last days events" however the majority is destracted as the those back then, no wonder the bible states, " as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end" covid is refer to as pestilence in matt 24.

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