Friday 28 October 2022

JTA President One Brave Woman - Drove Down Thieves and Retrieved Her Belongings!

LaSonja Harrison - JTA President

The JTA (Jamaica Teachers Association) President LaSonja Harrison was held up recently by criminals and her handbag and other valuables stolen. The great news is that the brave JTA head, drove down the thieves who were travelling on a bike. During the chase the men turned up into a lane and dropped their loot on a verandah. A good Jamaican went with the JTA President into the lane and she was able to retrieve her belongings minus her phone from the steps of a house.

I hope that good sense will prevail and that government will allow responsible citizens to be armed so that the citizens can join the police and take the fight to the criminals. Good, armed, and united citizens supported by the police, can take down these local terrorists. If this woman alone can take on two thieves then what are we men doing? 

You can just imagine the inconvenience she and the membership of the JTA would have suffered if these thieves were successful in stealing her important documents. Two non-entities could have caused major challenges for thousands of our teachers.

I thought to myself, suppose they had killed her, then things would be different.  Headlines around the world would scream, 'PRESIDENT OF TEACHERS ASSOCIATION IN JAMAICA MURDERED!'

What a life, what a country.


Anonymous said...

Brave no rahtid

Patrick Palmer said...

One brave woman indeed!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope she no try it again. She might not be that lucky.

Anonymous said...

That was a huge risk indeed. But there is a time to walk away and a time to run but there is also a time to fight back , listen to that still small voice before making that decisiĆ³n.

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