Tuesday 25 October 2022

Michael Spence's Thoughts On Jamaica

Michael Spence

Impressive  functional infrastructural projects are underway which are  cosmetic symbols of deathly debt. They are welcomed nevertheless.

There are some critical basic long term needs to be addressed for Jamaica to move towards being a productively civilized society. These are, being among the countries with the highest levels of illiteracy in the Caribbean (#10 at 88%), high levels of squatting/unplanned living spaces where a third of the population does not fulfill the basic human right of legally occupying a livable space, an economy that has not grown an average of 1% in 40 years, without sustainable or meaningful employment, and bad roads throughout the countryside.

Jamaica being in the top 5 of most murderous countries on the planet that promotes a subversive noisy  musical subculture of  decadence death and destruction.

We the Jamaican people at home and abroad must step back look at where we are, where we coming from and with a intense fixity of purpose decide where are we going and move towards preparing for generations to come and carry on the work.

Again Heeeeelp we need honest, moral, ethical leadership with integrity to guide the process.

Not simply charismatics and charlatans movie like stars. Say no to conmen, quacks and hustlers to lead both in the public and private spheres.

We do not want a Jamaica that is a National Criminal Enterprise. We must all fight against that.

mics 🖋️ pen


Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. We must seriously analyse the situation we find ourselves and move assiduously to re-direct our trajectory!! Little things such as street lights for our main corridors, for example the Washington Boulevard, just to name one. A little thing as maintaining a clean, garbage free country!! I cannot name one clean business centre!!
Halfway Tree? No!! Cross Roads? Downtown Kingston? No!!
We are in a sad state of affairs!
Why aren't the Members of Parliament and their Councillors ensuring that their constituencies are properly maintained? Persons need to perform and be held accountable!!
God Have Mercy on Jamaica and Her Citizens.

Micspen said...

Excellent holistic observation which is lacking in Jamaica's Governance.This is what the Social Anthropologists EPG Seaga as Prime Minister understood well.He understood the connection between between the physical environment and people's behaviour.When he cleaned up downtown Kingston planted trees along the streets and highways plus the economy grew 8% between 1980 and 1989.During his time employment and creative economic individualism thrived remember the "solidarity carts".
Murders fell from 899 to 439.This no nonsense holistic,
pragmatic Seaga era of Jamaica needs to be studied and adapted.If a Combo sandwich of the Michael Manley and Seaga era were possible Jamaica could become the Paradise we desire.Imagine with me and put together a national socioeconomic and cultural menu the best of Manley,Seaga,
P J Patterson,Bruce Golding and now Andrew Holness as the Nations Sociopolitical chef with the people as participants and recipients.

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