Monday 6 May 2024

Jamaica Labour Party Says Systems Worked & Chides PNP for Politicizing Issue of German Chartered Flight​

The Following is a Press Release from the Jamaica Labour Party - 20240506:

Security Minister Horace Chang

Kingston, Jamaica. May 6, 2024: Jamaica Labour Party Says Systems Worked & Chides PNP for Politicizing Issue of German Chartered Flight​

​The Jamaica Labour Party is rejecting as disappointing and opportunistic a statement by the Opposition People's National Party (PNP) which attempted, in a vulgar manner, to politicize the issue of a German charter flight with over 200 passengers which arrived in Kingston on Thursday.

Having reviewed the reports from the various agencies it is clear that our Immigration systems worked to ensure the proper enforcement of our laws and the respectful treatment of passengers. 

The Jamaica Labour Party also welcomes word from the National Security Ministry that arrangements are in place to ensure the supervised and safe departure of the passengers.

Based on our investments in our airports and flight connectivity Jamaica is fast becoming a hub and a gateway to the region. Over 5 million persons visit our shores each year and charters are an increasing feature of travel to Jamaica. While we must continue to build Jamaica’s image globally as a welcoming destination, we will also continue to be vigilant in the protection of our borders and immigration to prevent any illegal use of our territorial space. 

The Jamaica Labour Party understands the concerns expressed in some quarters regarding the entry of the charter flight. However, those concerns should be allayed, as our laws were enforced, and there was no cost to the government.



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Anonymous said...

Why were they here? We would like some clarity

Anonymous said...

Yes why were they in Jamaica 😁

Anonymous said...

And why they were allowed to be walking up on down on our street by themselves

Micspen said...

The people paid their money to be on a one week vacation.
251 out of 253 were on the manifest so why people want 251 passengers to be detained.
All 253 paid their fares
and hotel stay.
There was no reason as I understand it to detain plane passengers flight crew etc.
I think a mountain is being made out of a mole hill.

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