Sunday 2 June 2024

Management of The Company's Office in New Kingston - Your Entrance Not Looking good.

The following message was received from a Bark Di Trute Supporter:

Good night Mr Derby,  this is on the sidewalk of Companies Office in New Kingston,  can you believe it? I was shocked when I went there and saw it, dozens of people visit that office every day, along with the workers, and no one sees how disgusting it looks,  how can we allow things like these to take over our popular cities and towns is beneath me SMH.

Editor's note:

Thanks to the few concerned persons in our country who bring these matters to my attention. I have said it before, until good people unite and fight against evil, then we we will be heading on the highway to hell. The attempt to burn down the parliament building is a sign of things to come!

Let's see how long it takes to clean this area.


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Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that. 


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Anonymous said...

What a shame👹

Anonymous said...

The shine on New Kingston has dulled!!! NCB at the top of Knutsford Boulevard has deteriorated, around the corner toward JRWong is disgusting. The NK Civic Assoc doesn't seem to be doing much. It's a general malaise that has engulfed the Government, the citizens, the whole country. Very sad, really.

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