Tuesday 30 July 2024

More To This Alleged Suicide Case of the JDF Soldier!

Major Kayson Cunzell

Those of you who read my blog about the soldier who allegedly committed suicide will realize that we need to monitor this case. There is a tendency to encourage the public not to discuss certain matters which might prejudice the case and/or such discussions will negatively impact the family. We hear that families must have privacy but justice is far more important than family privacy. The public has a right to talk about cases and they have a right to make their own judgement. My hope is that the public's judgement should be based on facts.

That is why I miss the former Director of Prosecution, Paula Llewellyn who reported to the people regularly. Has this practice been thrown out with her? She used to keep the public informed. A loss of life or corruption for example is not a confidential matter. 

This soldier who allegedly killed himself, did he show any signs that such action might have been committed. Did he do anything which could have brought disgrace to himself and his family which would make him want to end it all? Does he have a mental challenge? Did anyone want him dead? Was there someone in the vehicle with him? Could it be a murder case and not suicide? Was he authorized to have the service vehicle in the area where his body was found? Do we have tracking systems installed on army vehicles?

Major Kayson Cunzell I noticed your concern for the family's privacy. There is also concern about the privacy of service members. Sir, let the family and the family's lawyer speak for themself. What the people want is justice. This discussion on the ground about this case is ugly. While one cannot give credence to every bit of gossip, one can learn from them. JDF members are public servants. There is the matter of the public interest which cannot be ignored. JDF, stick to military matters. Be careful how you start giving advice to the media. You could be on the wrong road! 

There is more to this case. Time will tell!


Jamaica Gleaner on the death of JDF member.

Jamaica Observer story on the death of the JDF member.





I have been assisting persons here in Jamaica and overseas for over 30 years. voluntarily. Your support can help me to continue the work which requires hours of dedicated work and using my own resources. Thanks to those who have offered to assist so far.

Send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261 if you want to use a different method to contribute.
I have been assisting persons here in Jamaica and overseas for over 30 years now voluntarily. Your support can help me to continue the work which requires hours of dedicated work and using my own resources. Thanks to those who have offered to assist so far.

 Vernon L. Derby


Click on the this display and enter. Deadline for Entering is August 2, 2024


Anonymous said...

The public is being taken on another ride where the JDF wants privacy for family members to trumph public information and discourse. So hear this, if you never wanted us to talk about it, the circumstances of his death, including pictures. should never be revealed. Once those are out in the public space, there is going to be discussion because a picture is worth a thousand words.
A single picture tells me that the way the firearm is positioned, he could not have killed himself. That alone tells a story plus other signs of wounds to the body that he was never alone. The question I need answered is, was the weapon shown the one that killed him? Stop taking us for mindless beings; there was obviously someone there with him.

Anonymous said...

Well said Sir Derby I agree with every words you said

Anonymous said...

It's so sad the public needs to know what really happen ? What cause him to do such an act?

Anonymous said...

I must disagree with that unsympathetic phrase. : privacy cannot surmount jùstice. Guess your comments are based on other information you've gotten. Doesn't the family want justice too? The public call for justice is just to fuel the gossips and faas peeple who thrive on a good suss

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Sir Derby I wish you many more wonderful years to come with good health long life prosperity and God's blessing

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday. You have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Vernon, wishing you God’s richest blessings and a long healthy life. Keep up the great work of informing, educating and entertaining us.

Anonymous said...

Did not know it was your birthday my favorite batchmate. Happy Birthday. With respect to the alleged suicide, I agree with every word you say. I know not soldier nor story but remember hearing about soldiers going missing from Up Park Camp for all sorts of reasons when I was in school. At least this one can have a decent burial.

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