Showing posts sorted by relevance for query audley shaw. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query audley shaw. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday 27 March 2021

Minister Audley Shaw's Voice!

Minister Audley Shaw,
Minister of Industry, Investment
and Commerce
Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Audley Shaw in the government of Jamaica, no longer has that booming, baritone sounding voice. Jamaicans have therefore been asking why Minister Audley Shaw's voice has changed so dramatically?   Yes he is loved and that is why persons are asking. He is extremely witty and he can move from a serious point to having his audience in stitches in a minute. There is never a boring moment when Minister Audley Shaw speaks. 

Minister Shaw has had four surgeries over a three month period last year. His vocal cords were damaged by the tubes that were placed down his throat during the surgery. He has been having therapy and his voice is gradually improving.

Minister Shaw says that he gives God thanks and remains hopeful that his vocal chords will continue to improve. We wish him all the best.

Sunday 24 October 2021

Minister Audley Shaw's Booming Voice Roaring Back To Form

Minister Audley Shaw
The Honourable Audley Shaw CD, MP, Minister of government and the MP for North East Manchester, is getting back his booming voice.  He had informed me that he had undergone a number of operations and this had a negative impact on the sound of his voice. Minister Shaw who is known as Man A Yard, is an MP who is loved by many Jamaicans. Jamaicans kept wondering if the Minister was very ill and if he would be able to continue as MP. He granted me an interview earlier this year and I was able to share what he said with you then. He sounded hopeful when I spoke to him earlier this year while many of you felt anxious about his health. Yes you wanted to hear that booming voice again.

This is how he sounded when he was sworn in as Minster:

This is his return to parliament with the booming voice although he is still hoping for more improvement:

This is Minister Audley Shaw's message to Bark Di Trute and the fans:

More Readings

Minister Shaw speaks about his voice.

Please add your comments to the blog so Minister can read them and remember to share my blogs with your friends. Thanks.

Thursday 13 May 2021

CAC Secured Approximately JA22 Millions For Consumers

Dolcie Allen - CEO

The Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC) secured approximately $22 million in refunds and compensation on behalf of aggrieved consumers who trans
acted business with product and service providers during 2020/2021. Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Hon. Audley Shaw, who made the disclosure while making his contribution to the 2021/22 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on May 11.  He also noted that the Commission handled 1,851 complaints last year, resolving 80 per cent of those complaints. Significantly, Mr. Shaw said as at February 28, 2021, the Commission disbursed some $24 million, representing the payment of 336 claims to consumers affected by contaminated gasolene. He said the Commission “will now expand its consumer protection role after being named in the Microcredit Act, 2021”. 

Minister Audley Shaw

Giving an update on the Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation (JANAAC), he said the Agency maintains its signatory status as a member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA). Certification and inspection certificates from a JANAAC-accredited entity are accepted worldwide. The JANAAC Pre-Accreditation Approval Programme (PAAP) for COVID-19 testing was launched on January 21, 2021. To date, 22 entities have been pre-accredited under the programme. In addition, Mr. Shaw said the Ministry continues to place significant emphasis on the Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015) Certification of Public Sector Entities. (more) CAC Secures…2 “During the 2020/21 financial year, 17 public-sector entities entered into contractual arrangements with the National Certification Body of Jamaica (NCBJ) to be certified to the ISO 9001 quality management system standard. To date, eight of the entities have been certified and the rest will shortly be certified,” he informed. 

Wednesday 5 April 2023

What's Happening - April 5, 2023


L - R Sandra Ramsay from Food for the Poor, Mr. Miller and
Mr. Watkis from the Correctional Services and Mr. McFarlane from Food for the Poor

Food for the Poor is all over the place helping those who need help. Many without a roof over their heads can now sleep well at nights, many have been assisted to assist those who need help. This time Food For The Poor is assisting in making payments for some prisoners so that they can enjoy freedom in this period as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Mrs. Sandra Ramsay is in charge of the Food For The Poor programme for the prisoners. The organization is also assisting in making payments for incarcerated persons who are unable to pay their fines at Christmas also.


When Di Spirit Teck Ova Don! - Click to listen


The Moon

When last have you taken time out to look at the moon or the stars in the sky. Tonight a friend of mine encouraged me to have a look at the moon outside. It was a beautiful sight. Remember to spend some time looking at the moon, the stars the beautiful plants and animal around us and forget the depressing state that we are in sometimes.


One day this week I saw these streaks of contrails across the sky and as I looked up  again at the sky, there was another plane at a high cruising altitude leaving another contrail as it headed to another destination. Please ignore the stupid conspiracy messages being sent around on social media about these contrails. The contrails are just icicles formed as the planes make their way across the sky. 


Opal Lee - US Immigration Attorney

Min. Audley Shaw

Opal Lee, US immigration lawyer will be my guest on Travel Matters. Minister Audley Shaw had promised to to join me during My Representative, but I am unable to make contact with him tonight. Wendel Wilkins the people's lawyer might join me at that time. 


JPS Announcement

Monday 5 December 2022

Willard Hylton No Longer At The Transport Authority

Willard Hylton
Former Acting Head of the Transport Authority

I have been reliably informed that the contract of employment for the former head of the Transport Authority (TA) Mr. Willard Hylton, ended on December 2, 2022.

Earlier this year, staff members at the TA showed their support for the former head when he had resigned. Members of the transport sector also showed their support.

It was clear then, that there are challenges at the Transport Authority. Reliable sources have told me that members of the board might hand in their resignations today. It is likely that Minister Audley Shaw might make a statement on the matter soon.

Let us hope that all players will work together to ensure the continued smooth functioning of this important entity. All the best to the former head of the TA. We expect Minister Shaw will make a note of Mr. Willard Hylton's concerns.

More Readings

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Dr. Fenton Ferguson's Defence Team?

The chairmen - Calvin G. Brown, Western

Regional health authorities defend Ferguson - A Gleaner Report 2015/11/04
 Dr Andrei Cooke, South Eastern

Michael Stewart, Southern
Leon Gordon, North Eastern

THE CHAIRMEN of Jamaica's four regional health authorities have come to the defence of embattled Health Minister Dr Fenton Ferguson, taking issue with criticisms being levelled at him and the two health-care facilities at which bacterial outbreaks in neonatal wards are being blamed for the deaths of 19 babies.

The health officials' comments came hours after Ferguson expressed support for them during a press conference earlier in the day.

"The boards of the regional health authorities take note that, over the past few days, there have been unwarranted attacks in the media on the minister, as well as our hard-working and exceedingly competent health workers, in relation to fatal bacterial outbreaks in the neonatal wards of two of our major institutions," the chairmen said in their statement, "We recognise that such occurrences are not uncommon in any hospital internationally nor locally, but it is as painful to us as it is to the families to have any resulting death, more so that of a promising infant."

Since June, 42 premature babies have been infected as a result of four outbreaks of the klebsiella and serratia bacteria, resulting in the deaths of 12 babies at University Hospital of the West Indies and seven at Cornwall Regional Hospital.

Ferguson has denied knowledge of the outbreaks before the matter was made public on October 16 and has resisted calls to resign. On the weekend, Opposition Spokesman on Finance Audley Shaw accused the minister of knowing about the outbreak long before.
The scandal that led to fingerpointing has captivated the country for the past few weeks, resulting in calls for persons responsible for the tragedy to be held accountable.


The health officials' statement went on to outline the unhappiness of the joint boards in regard to the "insensitive" manner in which the matter was being dealt with in the public domain.
They said it must be very difficult for the affected families, some of whom are still getting clinical counselling via the health sector.

"Please remember that the families are still under our professional care in terms of clinical counselling, and please remember, also, that there are thousands of patients in our 25 hospitals and more than 300 health centres being professionally attended to by our more than 2,000 health-care workers at any given moment," they said."It is highly irresponsible for elements and agendas to try to undermine this excellent service delivery, which has made us the envy of the world."

The chairmen - Calvin G. Brown, Western Regional Health Authority; Dr Andrei Cooke, South Eastern Regional Health Authority; Leon Gordon, North Eastern Regional Health Authority; and Michael Stewart, Southern Regional Health Authority - said in looking at the global picture, there was nothing unusual about the local situation.

Based on worldwide statistics, they said, neonatal deaths range from 10 in 1,000 live births in Japan to 200 per 1,000 in Mauritania.

Since 2013, Jamaica's rate is 12 out of every 1,000 live births.
"We feel compelled to remind that the World Health Organization (WHO) states that worldwide, the main causes of newborn deaths are prematurity and low birth weight, infections, asphyxia (lack of oxygen at birth) and birth trauma," the statement read. "A review of the data at Cornwall Regional Hospital between 2000 and 2015 shows that over the past 15 years, the neonatal mortality rate at that institution has been less than 10 per 1,000 live births. The highest was in 2008 when it went up to approximately 20 per 1,000 live births. This indicates that this medical team is on the cutting edge of medical care and has been doing so over the past 15 years."

In speaking to the impact of Dr. Ferguson on the local health care system, the statement pointed out that the minister has championed the crafting of a five-year plan, which is being used as a road map to combat Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and their risk factors, which is aimed at reducing by 25 per cent, the burden of preventable morbidity and disability, and avoidable premature mortality, due to NCDs and injuries by the year 2025.

Acknowledging that the RHAs and ministry officials have been coming under tremendous pressure, Ferguson said yesterday “let it not be said that in these difficult times that we failed to carry through with our responsibilities. Let us together continue to work for our people and the citizens of Jamaica.”


In the meantime, following increased pressure for the ministry to make public the full Audit Report of the four Regional Health Authorities, which it had commissioned in May, yesterday Ferguson announced that he would be releasing it.

“After consultation, I will be releasing the audits of the RHAs, in order to prevent further misinformation coming into the public and in keeping with openness and transparency,” he said at the Programme for the Reduction of Maternal and Child Mortality (PROMAC) contracts signing to improve neonatal and maternal care in the public health sector, at the Knutsford Court Hotel in St. Andrew.

“We took an early position as a team that we would hold these audits. We did consultations with several groups, and coming out of those consultations, we felt that we should hold. But based on what is unfolding, it is very clear that this matter has now become the centre of a political campaign,” he said. “And therefore, in the best interest of our citizens and our country, our fears as it related to the hospitals that were audited still remain, relative to persons demonising our institutions. But we have noted the Private Sector Organisation (of Jamaica) and other organisations have expressed their own views in relation to being open.”

Ferguson added, “It was never our intention not to be open or be transparent. Persons would remember that when we had the press briefing, we spoke to some of the critical issues in the audit and we also gave a summary of the audit.”

The health minister also announced that he will be giving a fulsome response in a public broadcast to the nation on Sunday night, “during that time, I will be making further announcements in relation to the way forward.”

Sources say the report is expected to be released after the national broadcast.

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Hibernia Residents Says No Water in Tank

Issues for:
The Honourable Matthew Samuda Minister without Portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation Responsibility for Water, Environment, Climate Change, and the Blue & Green Economies

Hon. Matthew Samuda

Report from Resident of Manchester 

These water tanks have been put in place by RADA for about three years to citizens with water, it has been brought to my attention its one time it has been filled with water, the district is Hibernia in Manchester, Mr. Audley Shaw constituency, the exact location is about a quarter mile from Yander Pand intersection, the citizens are complaining.

Another Report From Manchester

Coleyville, Silent Hill, Tickie Tickie and other areas have been without water in their pipes for a long time.

NWC Report from Kingston

Dear Mr Derby,

The residents of Three Oaks Gardens are now at a point of absolute frustration with the NWC; every so often there is a heavy discharge of sewerage effluent in the gully that runs behind properties spanning Three Oaks Road, which, we believe runs from the Molynes Plant.

Several calls made to NWC have gone unanswered; we have also beseeched a high-ranking public official who is a resident in the neighbourhood & he has not assisted very much; he too says he has tried.

Mr Derby, please help us!


Thursday 18 February 2016

Elections By Carlton A.Gordon

There is a way for patriotic Jamaicans who are genuinely uncertain how to 'vote in the up-coming national elections, to distinguish between the governing Peoples National Party (PNP) and the Opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP),and thus be better able to choose. -- if they are serious about "being a part of the solution".

That way is simply to carefully study, and  note the abundant available evidence.of the primary economic, philosophical,political,social and spiritual "mindset" of each party and its leaders, whether in or out of government.

Regardless of how blurred the lines may have been in the past, distinct differences between the "mindset" of both major political parties have become increasingly evident, in recent times.

Pay close attention to the body language and the words of the Prime Minister,Mrs Portia Simpson Miller and the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Andrew Holness, to Finance Minister, Dr Peter Phillips versus former JLP Finance Minister and current spokesman on Finance, Mr Audley Shaw Then remember that "out of the abundance of the heart "("Mindset") the mouth speaks".

Compare the pronouncements of various spokesmen for the PNP,like Messrs Delano Franklyn,Damion Crawford, Mickail Phillips,et al, and for the JLP, like Delano Seivwright,Dr Christopher  Tufton Floyd Green, Mike Henry, Mrs Malahoo Forte, et al,and the leaders of PNP and JLP "youth Organisations".

One party comes across as having a strong "socialist" mindset -- willing to" tax and share the wealth of the rich" with the "poor", but not appearing to care too much, or to know how to increase wealth.

The other comes accross as being willing and prepared to "take calculated risks" to change the status quo, to increase wealth in a growing economy, etc, while being "confident" to stand on its "record of successful  past performance.".

If you are undecided or uncommitted and you are comfortable with or hopeful about the "mindset" that defends and supports the status quo, there is no need to be undecided or uncommitted.

Nor do you need to remain uncommitted or undecided, in respect of voting in the upcoming election, if you can see and embrace the assertive,confident, free enterprise  "mindset" of the other party.

It may also be important to note that even if it is true that the Eternal Creator is the One who" sets up kings (leaders) and puts them down", and that your/my vote is not what really determines national election results, being stuck  "on the fence" or in the "middle of the road"  is not generally a place from which  the commendation "Well done thou good and faithful servant" is likely to be heard-- except by specific "divine guidance".It is more likely, from here, to find oneself among those who are "neither cold nor hot", to be" spewed out of the mouth", or in the "middle of the road", to be run over by all and sundry. 

There also appears to be a change in the "mindset" of civil society and many others., suggesting that regardless of the outcome of this election, more persons will look to their own efforts rather than to the politicians, while at the same time holding politicians and other public servants more accountable than hitherto... 

Mind-set matters more than ever in this up-coming election, because with the large number of voters who consider themselves to be undecided or uncommitted, observance of this natural phenomenon presents a simple and effective way to distinguish between the "sheep and the goats", and to choose one or the other. 

Friday 29 December 2017

My Thoughts - Police Federation Demands to see PM!!!

The following release was sent out by the Jamaica Constabulary Force Federation:

‘The Jamaica Police Federation is flabbergasted and blindsided by the comments reported in the media by the Office of the Prime Minister through the Director of Communications Mr Robert Morgan which outlined that they received both letters from the Jamaica Police Federation on Thursday 28 of December 2017’

General Secretary of the Police Federation, Sergeant Cecil McCalla, stated that the first letter asking for a meeting with the Most Honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Andrew Holness was sent via fax on the 20th of December, 2017 and was subsequently hand delivered on Thursday 21st day of December 2017. The correspondence specified, that having met with the Minister of Finance, the Honourable Audley Shaw and his team on numerous occasions, there has been no meaningful consensus as it concerns the salary negotiation for the 2017 - 2019 period hence, the Police Federation is requesting an urgent meeting to attain a timely and reasonable outcome to these lengthy negotiations.

General Secretary McCalla said that the Police Federation is disappointed that the OPM is just responding to the request however, the Police Federation is anxiously awaiting that meeting with the Prime Minister.

He further added that there is overwhelming evidence to prove that the first letter was sent over a week ago and signed for by an employee at the Office of the Prime Minister.

The following are my questions and concerns:
During this time of the year many public servants are feeling the Christmas breeze and hardly any work is being accomplished now. If I was in change of the JCF federation, I would not fax a letter like this to the Prime Minister. This letter would only be hand delivered.

The letter was subsequently hand delivered on December 21, when many workers are not very active and I understand that some might have called in sick. This  effectively gives only one working day which is the Friday to look at the letter before Christmas. Many letters arrive on the PM's desk daily and unless this letter was painted red or it was stated that one or both parent of the PM had died, then I would not expect the letter to reach the PM desk during the Christmas season.

The PM would also need to consult with his staff, the Minister of Finance and his staff to update him on the situation. He would then have to make a decision as to whether or not he should get involved. This is also a busy time for the Minister of Finance & The Public Service, the Prime Minister and his staff..

The PM should not allow any group to put him under duress and demand that he meets with  workers because they are on sickout. That is why the former PM Simpson-Miller made it known that she allows her Ministers to deal with things related to their Ministry. That is a good position to take.

We need to understand that a sick-out should not be used as tool when we are taking industrial actions especially when you are a member of the essential services. It's dishonest to claim that you are ill when you are not. We are not referring to members of the security services.

In negotiations one has to consider very carefully the tone of all communications. A bad tone can can set a bad table for amicable discussions and negotiations.

We need to step back think and come again. We even need to think carefully how we construct letters for the attention of the Prime Minister and also information for public consumption.

Saturday 5 October 2024

Politics and Politricks - Temperatures are Rising Higher

Yes the temperatures are rising in the political arena but the gangs that normally provide support for the political parties are not interested in these political parties. I understand that the scammers are supportive of a few political aspirants. One political aspirant even got himself into trouble making positive statements about the scammers.

These days gangs and scammers are more powerful than politicians. Even with the increase pay politicians are getting, they cannot win over community members easily. One political leader told me that he organized a football match to get the young people involved. That political leader will have to leave that to the scammers now who can pay up to JAD0.5 million to the willing team and big money for each goal scored. I understand that at one match, there was a wide variety of high-end vehicles parked at a football match. These vehicles are owed by very young men. The Integrity Commission should investigate these scammers!

Hidran Mckulsky

Getting a seat in parliament these days is like fighting for a job. With better pay for political leaders, why not? I understand that some labourites are not happy that there is a move to block the path of Hidran Mckulsky to replace Audley Shaw in North East Manchester. I got information that Adion Peart a nephew of Dean Peart a former PNP MP, is looking to greener pastures since the orange seats are running out.

JLP supporters claim that Adion Peart has friends close to the leadership of the JLP party who are trying to clear the way for him. This might not be an easy task because Hidran Mckulsky the Principal of Holmwood Technical High is already very popular in the constituency.

Isat Buchanan

There is another interesting development in Portland - Isat Buchanan will be running against sitting MP Ann-Marie Vaz. Many persons see this move to have Isat Buchanan who has had a checkered past running for a seat in Portland, as a dumb move. This is not necessarily so. Money is important, and with the backing Isat has in the dancehall fraternity this could be a smart decision. Note the big reception that Vybz Kartel got at the last PNP conference when he went on the platform.

I had wondered why Vybz Kartel was invited to the platform? I now realize that Isat saved him so why not usher his lawyer and friend to the conference, riding in his chariot of fame. Oh the arena went wild when Vybz Kartel hit the stage with Isat by his side.

If Isat loses at the next general elections, then it would be no problem because the party would not need him for a ministerial position. He could be appointed to the Senate. I don't believe that the PNP expect to win Ann-Marie Vaz.

Interesting days are ahead!

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at (876) 816-5261 if you are unable to use the site to donate. Thanks. 

Friday 30 August 2024

Time For a Change - The PNP/JLP and/or the People? Better Must Come!

PM Holness and Opposition Leader Golding

As national elections draw closer, both major political parties have important decisions to make about their candidates. The leadership of the PNP appears stable for now, with no immediate challenges on the horizon. However, if the PNP loses the upcoming elections, the Golding-Bunting faction could fade away. Meanwhile, there is a quiet but steady rise in support for Lisa Hanna. She may currently seem like a minor disturbance, but there is potential for her to become a significant force, possibly mirroring a political phenomenon like Kamala Harris's rise in the U.S.

On the JLP side, several senior members are expected to step down before the next national elections. What's causing the delay? Are they waiting for a nudge from their leader or a decisive shift in voter sentiment? Many of these long-serving MPs, such as Mike Henry, Audley Shaw, Everald Warmington, JC Hutchinson, Olivia Grange, and Edmond Bartlette, have made substantial contributions. However, their time may be coming to an end, and the suspense is building as we await their next move.

The question remains whether the younger generation of politicians is prepared to fill the shoes of these veterans. There have been instances where youthful exuberance led to political missteps, such as the situation with Morgan in Clarendon. His conflict with a councillor, who eventually defected and won as a member of the opposing party, highlights the complexity of political manoeuvring. Although both the JLP and PNP have brought in fresh talents, political success requires more than just intelligence; it demands keen insight and strategy.

The JLP currently faces a challenge in finding leaders who possess the appeal of past figures like Hugh Shearer, Pearnel Charles, or Donald Sangster. Meanwhile, Mark Golding, the Opposition Leader, is gaining ground in the polls, which might reflect more about the state of the JLP than the PNP.

As for other political parties, their prospects seem bleak, akin to a snowball's chance in a hot climate. There was talk of a new and dynamic party emerging, but it quickly fizzled out, much like the funds that once supported it. The NDM, while still in existence, has yet to make a significant impact.

Is it time for a change? What kind of change remains to be seen. Only time will tell what the future holds for Jamaica's political landscape.

What do you think?



Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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Thursday 27 January 2022

Bank Fees A Curse On The Nation

The following is a release from MP Fitz Jackson:

The recent announcement by the two largest banks in Jamaica, the Bank of Nova Scotia and National Commercial Bank, has once again highlighted the continued  cruel, unreasonable and heartless deductions from account holders through a range of fee penalties. Their actions continue unabated, without any regulatory restriction  due to the Government’s persistence in allowing it. The administration, using its majority, has continued to block the passage of the Bill before Parliament that offers some protection to the public. This Bill would allow account holders to make transactions against their own accounts without the penalty of fees. These transactions would include making withdrawals, deposits, transfers, account inquiries, cashing of cheques, among other routine transactions.  Why should an account

holder be penalized by the charging of a fee for using their own money, which the banks already have the privilege of using to earn for themselves? The Bill before Parliament does not require the banks to share their profits from use of depositors funds. The charging of fees to account holders to use their own money, provides a double benefit to the banks, and a loss to the depositors. 

Banks, like all other businesses incur operating expenses like salaries, utilities, marketing and promotion. These operating expenses for their peculiar banking activities would include the counting of the monies they established themselves to collect, using modern technologies and not just by hand, together  with their transportation and safekeeping as they deem imperative. 

The provisions of the Bill were arrived at after extensive bipartisan discussions and agreement between both JLP and PNP  Members of Parliament, including current senior members including Ministers Karl Samuda, Audley Shaw and Daryl Vaz while serving as members of Parliamentary committee that considered the matter. These Parliamentarians, among others, have now  seemingly surrendered to the lobbying of the banks, and abandoned the protection of everyday Jamaicans, micro, small and medium size businesses, pensioners and those marginally employed in the public and private sectors, including the unemployed. 

I am heartened by the recent announcement by some officers of the JLP, who have now recognized that the public ought to be protected from the wicked bank fees. This bold move by JLP officers is commendable and demonstrates good conscience and patriotism. I urge my fellow Members on the Government side of the Parliament to demonstrate their own courage and patriotism in defence of the thousands of Jamaicans who voted for them in their various constituencies. It is to the majority of our constituents across the country to whom we are  beholden, and not to the few bank owners who extract over $50.0 billions each year in fees from account  holders.  

We all as Members  of Parliament must always be mindful that our individual or collective failure to act in protection of fellow Jamaicans, makes us complicit with the banks in their continued unjust practices. Future generations and history, will record how we would have failed our people and country. 

The Bill has been kept on the order paper since its defeat in 2018, and re-tabling in October 2020, immediately after the last general elections. This ensures the ongoing opportunity for the Government to act “at the drop of a hat”, in protection of ordinary deposit holders and prescribe a minimum level of transaction services without fees. This will ease the burden on consumers while still allowing banks to earn profits. We are being called upon to put Jamaica first, look out for the ordinary man, and stand up for what is right, even for once”. 


Statement from Trevor Samuels - National Consumers League

Trevor Samuels
Hi Vernon,

It seems as if the banking sector’s New Years  gift to banking consumers is a significant increase in fees charged to consumers. Services that were not attracting fees before are not now excluded. The banks were always encouraging customers to use the ATMs, but fees are now charged for those services .Most banks no longer welcome customers to the banking halls as they used to, so elderly persons who are not computer savvy find it difficult to access simple services. Try to call banks by phone and it is almost hopeless to get them. I am not aware of any bank making a loss, maybe a decline in profits but most persons do so since the pandemic and have to live with it, When you look at the difference in rates between the deposits and loans it is mostly unfair - a small percent vs a high rate to the borrower. For years the banks have resisted a banking code  and what they have accepted hardly change things.

Banks no longer are competitive so if you  want to change it hardly makes sense . This does little for consumer choice,. People who desire to save need to seek other financial institutions which offer better rates.  Consumers should only keep what they need for day to day expenses in savings and chequing accounts. Consumers are encouraged to shop around if they have money they want to save and keep close to the inflation rate.


Editors Note:

In dealing with the financial institutions, the real power lies in the hands of consumers. Consumers must take a stand on this issue of  increased bank fees. The credit unions must be empowered to  offer all the services now being offered by the banks. The lack of competition in the area is the real challenge

For a long time now, I have used radio and social media pages to highlight what has been happening in the banking and also the insurance sector which are not in the consumers interest. Mr. Jackson has taken the matter to another level. The Consumer Affairs Commission has also  been speaking with the banks and has even come up with a proposal which would help to make for a more level playing field. The National Consumers League has been talking about the matter. The consumers of Jamaica are being taken for a joy ride and we need to say enough is enough.

Wednesday 24 May 2023

Ethnie Simpson Miller - A New Entrant into Jamaican Politics


Ethnie Miller Simpson

Ethnie Miller Simpson is the candidate who will represent the PNP in the Manchester North Eastern constituency. She will be going up against Mr. Audley Shaw. She will be my guest on SpotOn on Thursday, May 25, 2023. This caretaker candidate is a lecturer and also a businesswoman. 

I will love to hear from those new candidates who plan to enter politics because the people need to know who you are. Your constituents need to know what are your positions on various matters affecting the country.

Opal Lee

Opal Lee will join me for Travel Matters also. Those who plan to visit or plan to migrate to the United States should not miss Travel Matters. 

SpotOn is a show on Jamaican radio that is spot-on. It is the people's show where the people set the agenda.


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