Friday 3 September 2021

Dutty Driva And Conducta Dem Fi Get Kicked Out Of The System

Stop Treating Us Like Hogs And Goats

The time is now for Jamaicans to decide that we must be treated with class and style. We are tired of the hog and goat treatment and we must support Minister Robert Montague to have the transportation system changed. Our fore parents were packed liked hogs in the holes of ships and taken from their homeland in Africa to this side of the world where there were enslaved for hundreds of years.

The white man did this to us many years ago, and now, our own black people in the form of a few holigans in the transportation sector are meeting out the similar treatment to us. In those days we were chattels now we are treated like hogs and goats. 

The decent and law abiding drivers and transport operators must work with decent Jamaicans to get these hooligans off our roads. Some of these men seem to have fallen out of grace with a good deodorant and the way they smell, is indicative of their behaviour and how they treat the modern black persons.

We need to find a way to identify the outstanding drivers and conductors in the sector and get out the dutty  and nasty behaving ones. My grandmother would say, "Dem  sick dawg stomach".

Report Them

Click HERE and take a look at the behaviour of this driver to  TVJ crew members. He should never be allowed to even carry a hog or a goat for ever and ever. We need to know his name and we should boycott his taxi.

Make sure to take picture of any unruly behaviour you see on the road, get the license number of the vehicle, record the time and date of the event and send it to me

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These taxi and bus operators need training and at the end of it a certificate

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