Sunday 30 October 2022

The Prime Minister's Wife Did Not Come Under Heavy Gunfire!

The Most Hon. Juliet Holness

There is a message being circulated on the Internet stating that the wife of the Prime Minister The Most Hon. Juliet Holness, came under heavy gun fire in the Mountain View area of Kingston today. I have checked this story, and this story is false. 

There are plenty mischief makers on the Internet and these persons are hell bent on creating disorder in the society. We have to be careful so that as the election approaches, we do not perpetuate the false stories which can create mayhem  in the society.  This recent rumour, could result in JLP persons believing that PNP persons are planning to harm the Prime Minister's wife, and this could escalate into serious political upheavals.

I am appealing to all those of us who follow posts on the Internet, to identify credible sources when we chose to follow such posts. We should also bear in mind that usually credible sources can sometimes get it wrong.

If this false news about Mrs. Holness goes international, can you imagine the impact it would have on Jamaica? Please share this post and counter the mischief that is being made and help to protect our country.



Micspen said...

Jamaica has become one great Jamflix series producer.People are so creative Hollywood or Bollywood has nothing over us.

A.Michael said...

Thanks Mr. Derby for your quick response to clarify & inform the Nation of the misdeed. Blessings

Anonymous said...

Not come under HEAVY gun fire or not come under gun fire at all???

Anonymous said...

She should have come under heavy criticism for her callous, divisive and politically motivated statements.

Patrick said...

This recent rumour could have also been started by the JLP persons wanting things to look bad on the PNP persons...Jamaican Politics!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If she came under gunfire what would have been the response of the state.A Mountain View incursion or what???

Anonymous said...

She could have been killed!!!

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