Saturday 14 October 2023

Prime Minister Holness...Time to Act Decisively on Crime!


The Most Honourable Andrew Holness ON, PC
Prime Minister of Jamaica

I posted a blog that reported that a man was killed in Christiana, Manchester, on Friday, October 13, 2023.  I spoke with a Manchester resident who said three men were killed and another three injured. 

I was told four persons were shot in Allman Town in Kingston this week. The police have refused to give out any information about this incident.  Are we concealing information from the public?

If the police want the support of the public, then they need to share certain information with the public.

The crime situation is alarming, and whether we call it a state of emergency or not, the nation is in a state of emergency.

The government must see crime as the country's number one problem.  The Jamaican government should rally the people to deal with this problem.  Prime Minister Holness and his government must make far-reaching decisions and take the necessary actions to deal effectively with this cancer. Constitutional reform and other matters must be put on hold until we ensure that there is law and order in the country. It should take us about a year to do this.

We cannot continue with business as usual. Mr. Prime Minister, you please call the nation to unite for action now. We need the will to act. A National Crime Action Team (NCAT) could be set up to lead the way and I would like to be the first member of the NCAT. The main objective of the NCAT would be to mobilize the nation to fight against crime and to come up with ideas, seek national support for these ideas and have the government implement these ideas.

We need to start now or else we no si nutten yet!!!

Other Readings:

  1. We have hit rock bottom.
  2. Nine-Day Wonder!
  3. Police hugging up public information.
  4. The governing party and the Opposition Party unite and act.
  5. Terrorist Act needed in Jamaica.
  6. Build an anti-crime movement.
  7. Questionnaire on murder and capital punishment.
  8. Act decisively on crime now!
  9. Prime Minister, this is the year to deal decisively with crime.
  10. Enough of criminals and crime.
  11. Stop ramping wid criminals.
  12. PM and Opposition Leader must unite to fight crime.
Jamaica is in a crisis. Share this blog with at least 100 people and encourage them to join the fight against crime.


It's Just a Click



Micspen said...

A crime is any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment.
Let's face it, most Jamaicans are therefore criminals .12,000 JCF members 6000 JDF personnel plus 30,000 Security Guards would be overwhelmed.
Each Jamaican must police themselves
Some among are criminals themselves.
Leaders must therefore make this Presentation to the country and urge each and everyone to police themselves,family and friends.
How about having 2.8 million citizens policing themselves crime would be down on the first-day not a year.
Are we ready to significantly curtail the growth of a vibrant,lucrative and fast growing Crime Industry??
Then there is the illigitimate sector of the industry made up of said citizens growing leaps and bounds.
Nothing tried nothing b done,same old ,same old has networked and will not work.
Go for national.participation starting with the I in us.
Mass consciousn and participation is the way to go.

Anonymous said...

This is a multi-faceted, multi-pronged challenge that faces this nation. Mr. Derby is highlighting the daily violent mass murders and injuries we are experiencing and I agree with calling the Nation to Action against crime.

We need to call on ALL Counsellors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists and any other professional in the Mental Health field to get on board. Anger management classes have to become compulsory in every Institution!! Can you believe murdering your teacher because he reprimanded you, beating a fellow student within inches of his life because he stepped on your shoe??

We need to train up our children in the way they are to go/grow! Mental Health is a real issue and we need to start NOW!! From the infant school to the tertiary institutions, leave no stone unturned. Students cannot graduate without completing the M/H sessions. That should help us in getting to the place where we can & will police ourselves.

God please help and guide us, as we remember that Faith without works is dead.

Anonymous said...

It is clear that drastic actions are required to address crime , corruption and indicpline in Jamaica. We the people (the vast majority) know that but there is a dictatorship by a minority that is failing this country. We demand corporal punishment inclusive of death sentence & flogging. Trial & punishment must be completed swiftly, fairly, without favours within months. ACT NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

We definitely have to deal with Criminals seriously. Murderers think it's fun - contract and otherwise. If some drastic actions are not taken, we could have a point of no return like Haiti next door. Too much permissiveness in our society, and as result, respect and morality disappeared.

Anonymous said...

Bring back the death sentence

Anonymous said...

Do we believe that the PM can get into the mind of a depraved people, to tell that they will kill a lecturer brcause he spoke to a student about his school work? Can he tell that a man is going to kill his spouse? We should be appealing to our people to stop their wicked ways, and to stop trying to get rich from criminal activities. Govt can review the laws and reintroduce the death penalty

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is no such information that a lecturer was killed by a student. The safety of the people is one of the main functions of the state. Failure to do so will result in a dysfunctional state.

Anonymous said...

To get rid of this crime monster which is plaguing our country Jamaica is everybody’s business.Both political parties in Jamaica must come together go to the drawing board and implement strategies which is believed that will help to stem crime in this our beautiful country Jamaica.# 1:Community involvement 2:Proper intelligence units in all police divisions properly trained and staff,3:Employ able body retired members of theJCF,JDF and social workers,give the tools to work and gather intelligence passed it to the police high command put into a data bank and work from there.Two we the citizens are hearing blame games by the two parties when we were in government and when we took office by saying this I listened to the prime minister, leader of the opposition party,Peter Bunting and Horace Chang only you can hear from them is blaming each other.Now is the time for crime to be taken very serious in this country. We have to start in the communities lot evidence are there to be gathered we have to go to the people in a systematic and unique way every citizen knows what is happening.After a serious crime has been committed in a particular area all you can hear the police is maintaining their presence in the area if they were proactive other than been reactive most of these crimes would not have happened.The police high command set up their intelligence units in the communities ,ghetto areas, Markets corner shops, people are out there willing to talk with the members of the security forces.

Anonymous said...

It’s full time now Mr. Holiness put in place measures to curtail these criminal activities , this even means suspending the powers of INDECOM temporarily giving the army and the police force the mandate to search , infiltrate and destroy these gangs by whatever means necessary.
PM Holiness is acting like a lame duck it’s full time he becomes more combative and uncompromising in dealing with these gangs .
I feel very strongly about this , we can’t have a country cowering in fear because of a few misguided individuals.

Anonymous said...

The crime situation is a national disgrace.
When will the so called Leaders realize that the current soft on crime strategy has not and will not work?
The PM, MPs , Opposition , Judges are so busy lining their pockets from Bribes and kickbacks it leaves them no time to protect Jamaicans from mayhem.
Jamaican judges are the biggest enablers of Criminality as they continue to release known killers back onto the streets to terrorize Jamaicans.
Sadly it has reached the stage where people now know they can commit any crime including murder and get away with it or at the worse get the minimum slap on the wrist then sent home.
Should Jamaicans wait for history to judge the performance of leaders on the Terrorism , should we continue to use the ballot boxes …how do we hold them accountable to set an example for future Leaders that they are elected to keep us safe?

Anonymous said...

We need a change of the SYSTEM

Michael Chamunda Williams said...

Finally, someone says it correctly. *The System has to CHANGE* We have graduated from Anancy to Alibaba. Our Country is correct from the top to the bottom. Stop talking about the System is & talk about CHANGE. Start supporting CHANGES. BLESSINGS 😇 👍☀️

Anonymous said...

Well said Vernon 20million support to ur reccomendations criminals r getting away with a pat on d back tough measures needed nowwwwwnowww.

Anonymous said...

If legislation is needed to change how we deal with crime then go ahead change it doesn't needed to go to upper &lower house &it sits there for another year while people r dying left& right & every week commish.come talk major crime is down.down wat a lot of crime is not reported.

Anonymous said...

For crime to be curtailed you'll have to start at the root, the heads of government and white collar people who are involved in crime must but loud up and be held accountable, so if they're to go to prison send them, and stop finding excuses and dragging out cases for years and then nothing, the little ghetto Youts can't afford to bring in guns and ammunition, so where are they getting them from? We need undercover intels I'm communities to blend with the people and extract information,we need more drastic punishment for criminals so they have to revisit what's on the books and make changes now❗not tomorrow not next year, things take to long to get done in this country too much. These wicked murderers need to be put in a dungeon with one meal per week, since they don't want to hang them or better yet get with the chair or injection, up you can't have them in cells with regular criminals feeding and caring for them as if they're in a five star no❗,and the next thing for me is children that goes missing a d children that gets molested, parents must be fined for carelessness whenever that start happening we'll see change because some of them instigate these things for money and likes,they must be charged or find, you must know where your child / children are at all times, whatever they have you must know where it's from.we need Boot camps for the boys who parents and teachers are having problems with. I believe also that placing the JDF officers at the troubled school to monitor morning and evenings during dismissal would make a big difference.Mr Derby I've been saying these things for a long time, all the ideas you have been sending to these people it doesn't seem as if they're paying attention to them, they need to listen to the citizens, because it seems as if only when they're out of power they see what needs to be done and since we're always out of power they should listen to us.🙏

Anonymous said...

I think that the government needs to bring back the death penalty

Anonymous said...

Crime is out of hand crime begins in people's head crime cant solve unless everyone comes together to fight remember the police or the prime Minister cant stay where they are and know what a person is planning to do but a lot of times close friends or relatives know so they are the ones need to talk up and the next thing I think some police in the force not fit to be there and some of them spend more time trying to give unlawful tickets than fighting crime and last but not least when they catch the guilty persons them must stop make lawyer tell lie for them them must hang them bring back hanging

Anonymous said...

He must do everything and speak with the right people to create a change

Anonymous said...

We are being terrorized.
When will there be serious actions Mr PM and Govt leaders , how many more innocent men , woman and children will be killed before you take this seriously?
We notice many Jamaicans making statements and demonstrating on behalf of Hamas and the Palestinians ,when are those same people going to demonstrate that same passion against criminals and crime in Jamaica?

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